Performance Poetry in Bluebells

Performance Poetry in Bluebells

This week, we have been studying poems written by Benjamin Zephaniah. The children have responded to his different poems by drawing pictures and writing their thoughts. They have then written their own poem inspired by his poem The British. Their poems focussed on...
In the hot seat!

In the hot seat!

Year 1 have enjoyed reading Mr Wolf’s Pancakes this week. We thought about questions we would like to ask Mr Wolf if we ever met him and wrote these down. Then, we took turns to play the role of Mr Wolf and answer these questions. Article 12: you have the right...
World Book Day 2023!

World Book Day 2023!

On Thursday 2nd March, Windy Nook Primary joined schools around the country and around the world to celebrate World Book Day. The idea of this special day is to promote a love of reading and enjoyment of books. We had lots of book-based activities going on in school,...
Questions and statements in the Bees

Questions and statements in the Bees

Today in the Bees the children have been creating questions and statements for one of the pictures from the traditional tales we have been reading this term. They shared their ideas with each other before writing them. We have enjoyed all of our traditional tales and...