Book Review

Book Review

The Bluebells have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Ancient Egyptians this half term. They will really impress you with their knowledge. Our final task this week was completing the reading of ‘The Cat Mummy’ by Jacqueline Wilson and writing a book review. There were...
Egyptian Digital Literacy

Egyptian Digital Literacy

As an end to our Ancient Egyptians topic, Tulips have began work on a video clip about an archaeologist discovering a hidden gem in Egypt…but all is not as it seems! So far, the children have worked in groups to describe the setting and introduce the characters....
Egyptian Research

Egyptian Research

Children in the Bluebells carried out some fabulous research at home for their non-chronological reports on Ancient Egypt last week. Then, in Literacy we have been note taking from the research and recording the information on a spider diagram. Today, we carried...
Practise makes perfect!

Practise makes perfect!

It is true what they say ‘Practise makes perfect’. Nightingales are practising our new handwriting style every day and we can see amazing results. We have handwriting stars every week when the children’s fabulous handwriting is displayed for the...

Gruffalo Fun

Our English lessons this week have been about the Gruffalo.  The children used super adjectives to describe what he looked like as well as describing the setting he was from.  Then they thought of some questions to ask him if he came to our school.