
Dragonflies are Busy Bees!

Dragonflies are Busy Bees!

It's been a very busy week in the Dragonflies. This weeks they enjoyed sharing strawberries, exploring what would happen if they shared the same amount of strawberries with more people. The activity was based on the Story "The doorbell rang" By Pat Hutchins. The...

Mini-beast Exploration During Science Week

Mini-beast Exploration During Science Week

We have thoroughly enjoyed enticing mini beasts into our nursery garden and identifying them this week. We made four different mini beast traps throughout the week which included; a butterfly bar (mashed banana on a plate), a beetle bucket (a bucket with holes in,...

Baby on Board

Baby on Board

This week we have been learning how animals carry their young. We were fascinated by the wolf spider who transport their hundreds of babies on their back and by alligators who carry their young in their mouths! We did some brilliant outdoor maths, recognising 2D...

Owl Babies

Owl Babies

Nursery have been focusing on the story, Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. We have learned that owls hunt for food during the night,eat small animals, can fly silently, have sharp talons and make live in holes inside of trees. We all produced some beautiful owl collages...

Guess How Much I Love You

Guess How Much I Love You

This week we have focused on the book, Guess How Mush I Love You, Which is about two hares. We looked at the difference between hares and rabbits. We learned that rabbits sleep underground in warrens and hares sleep above ground. Therefore, hares can run as soon as...

Windy Winners!

Windy Winners!

Winy Winners has a new format moving forward in that we will be presenting two certificates per week. Each week will have a particular focus and this week it is 'Maths'. So a huge well done and thank you to our winners this week! Our Top Effort and Mathematician...

A great first week back in Ladybirds

A great first week back in Ladybirds

The children all seemed to have had a lovely Easter half term and came back safe and well. Our topic this half term is all about the garden and outdoors. What grows in the garden? How we can look after it? This week they have been spending lots of time enjoying...

Fun in the sun!

Fun in the sun!

A warm welcome to our new starters this week. We have had a super busy week learning about zebras, focusing on the book, Gorgeous, about a mother zebra and her foal. We found out that the stripes on zebras are a little bit like like finger prints as no set of stripes...

Place value games in Maths

Place value games in Maths

This week in Maths we are focusing on place value. The children in Nightingales have been looking at the tens and ones in two-digit numbers and comparing numbers. Today to practice recognising which numbers are greater, the children in Nightingales played a place...

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

This week, we have focused on the Easter Story and why Easter eggs are a tradition at Easter. We made some Easter nests using Weetabix and chocolate, which we enjoyed eating during snack time today. We also listened to the story, We're Going on an Egg Hunt. We were...

Show me the money!

Show me the money!

Children in Bluebells took their maths learning outside today as we learned how to pay for items using different coins and notes. Children were given different items they could buy and had to work out how to pay for them. Article 13: You have the right to find out...

Data Handling in Snowdrops

Data Handling in Snowdrops

Today in Snowdrops, we conducted a survey of the number of each type of pet in our class. We recorded the data as tally charts in our Maths books. We then used the Chromebooks to access Google Sheets. We used Google Sheets to create bar charts, ensuring we had...