
Hip Hip Array!

Hip Hip Array!

Year 2 have been learning about arrays this week. We have been developing our knowledge of multiplication by using images with rows and columns. We used stem sentences to explain each array. Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and...

Another busy week in nursery!

Another busy week in nursery!

We made some more shimmering playdough this week following our playdough recipe. We carefully measured and counted the appropriate quantities of ingredients and practised good turn taking and patience while waiting for our turn. We have continued to focus on repeating...

Making the most of the Winter weather!

Making the most of the Winter weather!

We have continued to focus on the topic of Winter. One of the stories that we are reading at the moment is called Here Comes Jack Frost and part of the story mentions the interesting patterns that frost forms on windows. We have been very interested in these patterns...

Windy Winners!

Windy Winners!

A huge well done to all of our winners last week! Top Growth Mindset and Top Mathematician. Class  Top Growth Mindset   Top Mathematician          Robins  Rosie  Elo  Owls  Ollie  Elliott   Nightingales  Cole  Isabelle  Bluebells  Rhiannon   FInlay  Tulips  Amelia ...

Equal Groups in Year 1

Equal Groups in Year 1

This week in Maths Year 1 have been looking at making equal groups. They used counters to share equally into different groups. They also found out that any even number can be shared equally into two groups.   Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share...

Welcome new nursery friends and old!

Welcome new nursery friends and old!

A warm welcome to our new nursery pupils and also a warm welcome back to our existing pupils who have been friendly and supportive towards our new friends. Our new children have impressed us at how happily they have separated from their families and we are all...

Maths in UKS2

Maths in UKS2

This term UKS2 have covered a variety of different objectives maths, ranging from: position and direction, area and perimeter, percentages, decimals, volume and statistics. Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to...

Christmas preparations continue in nursery

Christmas preparations continue in nursery

We have continued to prepare for Christmas this week in nursery. We finished our calendars which look fantastic. We also started making our Christmas cards which was great fun as to make the body of the snowman which will feature on the front of our card we made a...

Preparing for Christmas and fun in the snow!

Preparing for Christmas and fun in the snow!

This week we have started to prepare for Christmas. We made some fantastic hats that we will wear during our Christmas performance. We chose to either make a Christmas tree hat or a reindeer. We used handprints for the main part of the hat and decorated them...

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

This week, children have been learning all about the dangers of the road and how to stay safe as pedestrians/cyclists. We had some workshops on Road Safety delivered by Tyne and Wear Safety, assemblies with Living Streets to learn about the importance of walking to...

Understanding tens and ones and partitioning in Year 1

Understanding tens and ones and partitioning in Year 1

Year 1 Owls and Robins have been looking at how numbers are made up of tens and ones. To support their learning they have been using dienes, number arrow cards to represent tens and ones as well as a part part whole model. Article 13: You have the right to find out...

Road Safety in Nursery

Road Safety in Nursery

This week in nursery we have focussed on road safety. We discussed the importance of holding our adult's hands while crossing the road and how to cross safely. We practiced using the key words; STOP, LOOK, LISTEN THINK and used toy cars and figures in a tough tray to...