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Welcome to Windy Nook
The principle purpose of Windy Nook Primary School is to provide high quality education to enable pupils to achieve success. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents/carers and pupils and we hope that you find what you are looking for.
We hope that our website reflects our endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual consideration and respect regardless of age, gender, race, religious beliefs, disability, social or home background and family circumstances. It is a celebration of all of the fabulous work and activities that our children participate in. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Thank you and enjoy your visit.
Lucie Forrest – Head Teacher
Attendance Last Week
- Whole School Attendance 94.2%
- Whole School Attendance without Nursery 94.3%
- Dragonflies (Rec.) 90.1%
- Ladybirds (Rec.) 96.7%
- Robins (Year 1/2) 94.9%
- Owls (Year 1/2) 93.3%
- Nightingales (Year 2) 95.5%
- Bluebells (Year 3) 94.0%
- Snowdrops (Year 3/4) 95.3%
- Tulips (Year 4) 96%
- Elms (Year 5) 93.1%
- Oaks (Year 5/6) 98.4%
- Beeches (Year 6) 89.5%
School News
Take a line for a walk with KS1
This half term in Art we have been looking at the work of Paul Klee. KS1 have been learning about the artist Paul Klee and how a lot of his work is abstract. They enjoyed taking their pencil for a walk just like his quote ‘A line is a dot that we take for a walk.” We...
Y4/5 Football
Our Year 4/5 girls took part in a football competition at Swalwell FC, showing great determination and effort throughout the tournament. A special mention to Layla for scoring a fantastic goal for the team. Well done, Team Nook! Article 24: You have the right to the...
Autumn Leaves
This week the children have been helping clear up the mountains of leaves on the yard. We have used brushes, hands, litter pickers and other items to pick up leaves and put them in our compost piles. We have also had fun using some of the leaves in our role play games...
Remembrance Day nursery style!
This week in nursery we focussed on Remembrance Day. We made a large poppy collage using any red and black items that we could find in nursery and we participated in a minute silence at 11:00 while standing around our poppy. We produced some beautiful drawings of...
Performing Poetry in UKS2
Over the past two weeks, Years 5 and 6 have been studying and enjoying a range of poetry inspired by World War One. This week, we have focussed on 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' by Wilfred Owen, culminating in putting together performances of the poem which we shared with the...
Year 5/6 Homework 15.11.24
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks - English- p.72 and 73 – Hyphenating Prefixes Y5 Elms - p30 and 33 - Past and Present Tense and Standard English Maths- p.40 and 41 – Rounding Decimals 1x arithmetic paper...
When should I report to CEOP?
CEOP helps children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP below.
Other people who can help
For advice and to seek help on a range of issues, from hacking to cyberbullying, click here.