Nightingales (Y2)

Miss Thompson

Welcome to Nightingales 


Our teacher is Miss Thompson, who is accompanied by Mrs Welsh. 

In Year 2 we work hard, always do our best and have fun! 

We like to look out for each other and work as a team. 


 Must Reads KS1 master copy 


Important information: 


Our PE day is Tuesday – children come into school wearing their PE kit on this day. 


Homework – KS1 – Owls, Robins and Nightingales
Choose one of the activities each week as a homework task.  You can choose any activity you want from the table and you can record it in your homework book.  Once you have completed the task, colour the box and add the date you completed it.  Homework books will be handed out on a Friday to be returned on the Wednesday.

Spellings are given out on Monday and expected to be practised regularly during the week. Spelling test is on Friday morning.


If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.



90s Summer Festival 2023

90s Summer Festival 2023

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KS1 Art Gallery

KS1 Art Gallery

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School Games Day

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Sources of light in KS1

Sources of light in KS1

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Windy Nook Sports Day

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KS1 Visit St Alban’s

KS1 Visit St Alban’s

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Nightingales Art – Banksy

In art this week, Nightingales have creating artwork on different surfaces using stencils, pastels and charcoal. The children could create their nature-inspired artwork on cardboard, school walls and newspaper. The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and showed...

Cricket Taster Sessions

Cricket Taster Sessions

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