This week in nursery, we have been learning about Easter. We shared The Easter Story and produced Easter related art work, computer pictures and made play dough crosses. We started to make our Easter cards which have chicks on and discussed ‘new life’ and that our love can grow as well as plants and people. For maths, we produced some beautiful Spring flowers by reading the number in the centre of the flower and finger printing the corresponding amount of petals around it. We also counted the amount of children in our group and used hoops to stand in to make the total in different ways. During phonics we looked at different logos and discussed which ones we recognised. We participated in Squiggle While You Wiggle and used chalk to draw on the ground outside and practice the skills that we had learned during our outdoor sessions. On Friday, we took part in Dress up for Down’s Syndrome Day by not wearing our uniforms. Matthew, a young man who has Down’s Syndrome came to visit us in nursery and we performed a song and used Makaton signs. He was very impressed!

Article 1: Everyone, under 18, has the rights of the UN Convention.

Article 2: All children have rights. No child should be treated unfairly.

Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.

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