

Safeguarding Statement

Windy Nook Primary School recognises that it has a duty to ensure arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, staff and visitors. We will carry out this duty through our teaching and learning, pastoral care, extended school activities and daily site-management. Our Safeguarding Policy focuses on prevention, protection and support. Our policy applies to all pupils, staff, parents, governors, volunteers and visitors. It is expected that our children will at all times, flourish in a safe and stimulating environment; they should feel safe and secure, and encouraged to relate to trusted adults. We will endeavour to provide activities and opportunities through the curriculum and in the PSHE curriculum that will equip our children with the skills they need to stay safe and to develop essential life skills.

If you have any concerns about Safeguarding please see the Head Teacher.

The designated persons for safeguarding are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L. A Forrest: Head Teacher

Named Cover: Mrs. C. Ramanandi, Mrs. J. Traynor, Mr. J. Brown, Mrs. A. Preece

Mrs. A Preece: Senco

Nominated Governor: Mrs. J. Sadler
Online Safety Lead: Mrs L. Hope

The designated persons for looked after children are:

Designated Teacher for LAC: Mrs. A. Preece

Named Cover: Mrs. L A Forrest: Head Teacher

Nominated Governor: Mrs. L. Coulson


Windy Nook Primary School follows the September 2024 statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Safeguarding Statement 2024 Windy Nook Primary School

Safeguarding Curriculum Windy Nook Primary School



More Information

Please download our Safeguarding policy below.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Windy Nook Primary School 2024-2025 (Awaiting Ratification) 

Safeguarding Statement 2024 Windy Nook Primary School

Looked After Children Policy Windy Nook Primary School


Please click on the link below to see how safeguarding is embedded through our curriculum at Windy Nook:

Safeguarding Curriculum Windy Nook Primary School