Oaks (Y 5/6)

Miss Smith

Welcome to Oaks

Hello. We are the Oaks. In our class we believe in working our hardest to reach our full potential and to thrive at school. We also have a lot of fun along the way too!

Our teacher is Miss Smith.







Important information:

Homework will be given out on a Friday and returned the following Thursday (Maths, Grammar and Reading Comprehension – there is also online homework too, which includes Conquer Maths and Reading Plus).

Spellings are expected to be practised regularly over the week.

P.E. is on a Monday– children are expected to have their kit to participate (P.E. kit will be taken home after use and not left on school premises).

If your child is having a school lunch please ensure that payment is now done through our online payment service.


Year 5/6 Homework 7.11.24

Year 5/6 Homework 7.11.24

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 English- p.42 and 43 – Commas to avoid confusion Maths- p.36 and 37 – Multiplying with fractions Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per night recorded in your diary. Year 6...

Firework and Bonfire Safety in UKS2

Firework and Bonfire Safety in UKS2

This afternoon, the Elms, Oaks and Beeches classes have been learning about safe behaviour around fireworks and bonfires. We learnt about the Firework Safety Code, what to do in an emergency relating to fires and fireworks, and about the consequences of anti-social...

UKS2 Science Investigation

UKS2 Science Investigation

Last week, the children investigated whether exercise increases brain power.  They took part in three activities which included: beep test, own pace and control.  Before and after the tests, the children completed a 'Stroop Test' to see if they improved their time,...

Year 5/6 Homework Half Term

Year 5/6 Homework Half Term

During half term, children in Year 5 and 6 will not be set any formal homework. We encourage children to access the following: Reading plus - try to complete 5 texts throughout the week. Times Table Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/ Spelling...

Gateshead Music Service ‘Jammin’ at Windy Nook

Gateshead Music Service ‘Jammin’ at Windy Nook

This morning, we were extremely fortunate to have The Gateshead Music Service visit Windy Nook. They played for all the children across two assemblies and got us up on our feet dancing and singing along to some well known classics. Some of the children had the chance...

Food Bank Donations – Thank you

Food Bank Donations – Thank you

Today, the Trussell Trust Gateshead Foodbank came to collect the kind donations from the school community. The food will be packaged and given out next week, helping to feed some of the 10,000 people who use the service in Gateshead each year. School Councillors met...

Year 5/6 Homework 18.10.24

Year 5/6 Homework 18.10.24

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 English- p.36 - Capital Letters and Full Stops and p. 39 – Sentence Practice Maths- p.32 - Equivalent Fractions and p. 33 – Ordering Fractions Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading...

Oaks Cauliflower Cards

Oaks Cauliflower Cards

Christmas has hit Oaks early as we have been creating festive masterpieces for Cauliflower Cards this week. The children worked on a cosy fireplace scene and used lots of different paper and card to generate their ideas. We know they're going to look superb when...

Drug Awareness in UKS2

Drug Awareness in UKS2

Last week, Years 5 and 6 had a visit from Northumbria Police to talk about the legal and health implications of drugs. Suzanne discussed the different types of drugs and how these can have a very negative impact on a person's life. The children learnt about the legal...

Year 5/6 Homework 11.10.24

Year 5/6 Homework 11.10.24

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 English- p.10 and 11 – Adverbs of Possibility Maths- p.24 and 25 – Written Multiplication and Written Division Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per night recorded in your...

Year 5/6 Homework 4.10.24

Year 5/6 Homework 4.10.24

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 English- p.6 and 7 - Modal verbs Maths- p.23 - Mental multiplying and dividing Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per night recorded in your diary. Year 6 English- p.58 and 59 ...

Year 5/6 Homework 27.9.24

Year 5/6 Homework 27.9.24

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 English- p.62 and 63 Punctuating Speech Maths- p.18 – Multiples and p19 – Factors and Primes Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per night recorded in your diary. Year 6 English-...