Oaks (Y 5/6)
Miss SmithWelcome to Oaks
Hello. We are the Oaks. In our class we believe in working our hardest to reach our full potential and to thrive at school. We also have a lot of fun along the way too!
Our teacher is Miss Smith.
Important information:
Homework will be given out on a Friday and returned the following Thursday (Maths, Grammar and Reading Comprehension – there is also online homework too, which includes Conquer Maths and Reading Plus).
Spellings are expected to be practised regularly over the week.
P.E. is on a Monday– children are expected to have their kit to participate (P.E. kit will be taken home after use and not left on school premises).
If your child is having a school lunch please ensure that payment is now done through our online payment service.
Online Homework and Information
Year 5/6 Homework 14.2.25
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.60 and 61 – Estimating Volume and Capacity 1x arithmetic paper on https://mathsbot.com/primary/year5 Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per night recorded in...
Safer Internet Day 2025
This year, we marked Safer Internet Day (which was on Tuesday 11th February) with special assemblies in our phases and a range of activities in all of our classes. This year's theme was ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘. Children...
Windy Nook Prepares for World Book Day
Plans are underway for a fantastic day of literary fun as the school prepares for World Book Day on Thursday 6 March 2025. Children should have come home from school with a letter, detailing all the important events. If you did not receive a letter, please let your...
School open as normal – Tuesday 11th February
School will be open as normal tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused from today's disruption. Thanks The Windy Nook team
Year 5/6 Homework 7.2.25
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.56 and 57 – Perimeter Y5 Oaks – English- p.86 and 87 – 'ei' and 'ie' words 1x arithmetic paper on https://mathsbot.com/primary/year5 Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10...
Year 5 at Safetyworks!
Last week, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Safetyworks! as part of our PSHE curriculum. We took part in a number of sessions in small groups that taught us how to stay safe in a number of scenarios. These included: what to do in a house fire; how to stay safe...
UKS2 Art
In UKS2, we have been learning all about the Maya. We have researched and designed our own Maya masks, focusing on colour, pattern and shape. In the coming weeks, we will create masks using the media of cardboard and paint. Keep a look out for our finished Masks!...
Year 5/6 Homework 24.1.25
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.66 and 67 – Angles Y5 Oaks – English- p.14 – Determiners 1x arithmetic paper on https://mathsbot.com/primary/year5 Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per...
La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums
In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...
Year 5/6 Homework 17.1.25
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.26 – Solving Calculation Problems Y5 Oaks – English- p.21 - Coordinating Conjunctions and p.22 – Subordinating Conjunctions 1x arithmetic paper on https://mathsbot.com/primary/year5...
UKS2 Netball
The students had a fantastic time at the netball competition, Showcasing excellent teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the afternoon. They preformed exceptionally well, loosing only one game and finishing in an impressive 3rd place. A huge well done to the team and...
Year 5/6 Homework 10.1.25
Children in UKS2 have been set a challenge by Gateshead SSP. They have been asked to create a design for the official Dance Festival programme for 2025 displaying the theme of RESPECT. The winning design will be printed on the programmes which will be available at the...