SEND Information


As part of the government’s reforms around special educational needs (SEN) and with the introduction of the new code of Practice in September 2014, local authorities are required to publish a local offer showing the support available to disabled children and young people and those with SEN and their families and carers.

Please download below the Gateshead local offer information pack for parents and carers of children aged 5-16

This booklet was produced jointly by Gateshead Council and the health service in partnership with parents and carers. It will help us to make sure that we are providing the sort of services that families have told us they need. It will be reviewed every 12 months so that it continues to reflect the views and needs of families living in Gateshead.

Gateshead Local Offer


Please click on the link below for the Thresholds document:


Please find below our report that outlines the support for SEN that you can expect from us at Windy Nook.

Local offer SEN information Report Windy Nook Primary School 2024-25

SEN policy Windy Nook Primary School 2024-25



SENDIASS is a service offered to parents, carers and young people with SEND. They can give independent advice, information and support on SEND provision and processes. This includes providing an Independent Supporter and can guide you through the process of Statutory assessment or to voice any concerns you may have at school or college or about an assessment on your child.

Phone: 0191 478 4667 / 07731 089877

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]