Coming Up
Our Classes
Welcome to Windy Nook
The principle purpose of Windy Nook Primary School is to provide high quality education to enable pupils to achieve success. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents/carers and pupils and we hope that you find what you are looking for.
We hope that our website reflects our endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual consideration and respect regardless of age, gender, race, religious beliefs, disability, social or home background and family circumstances. It is a celebration of all of the fabulous work and activities that our children participate in. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Thank you and enjoy your visit.
Lucie Forrest – Head Teacher
Attendance Last Week
- Whole School Attendance 93.7%
- Whole School Attendance without Nursery 93.3%
- Dragonflies (Rec.) 88.8%
- Ladybirds (Rec.) 92.6%
- Robins (Year 1/2) 94.0%
- Owls (Year 1/2) 90.1%
- Nightingales (Year 2) 89.6%
- Bluebells (Year 3) 93.0%
- Snowdrops (Year 3/4) 96.2%
- Tulips (Year 4) 96.1%
- Elms (Year 5) 94.2%
- Oaks (Year 5/6) 100%
- Beeches (Year 6) 91.9%
School News
Assessment week complete, Christmas is on the way!
Well done to all of KS1 this week who have tried amazingly hard this week during assessment week. The children have also been busy rehearsing for their Christmas production 'Lights Camel Action!'. With lines, songs and dances to learn it will be a busy few weeks but...
Another busy week in nursery!
We have continued to prepare for Christmas this week in nursery. We made a calendar which we will gift to our families at Christmas. We have had lots of practises on the stage in preparation for our Christmas performance. Our singing and signing is improving every...
Building Bridges
This term, one of our D&T projects involves building a bridge. The children have worked on all of the important stages of the process: research, prototype, design, make and evaluate. Each class used materials such as straws and paper, as well as sticky tape and...
Year 5/6 Homework 29.11.24
Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.46 and 47 – Fractions, decimals and percentage problems Y5 Oaks - English- p.59 – it's or its and p.60 - apostrophe practice 1x arithmetic paper on
Gateshead Children and Young Peoples Primary Care Mental Health Service
Gateshead Children and Young Peoples Primary Care Mental Health Service are looking forward to delivering another month of drop ins. Their theme this month is supporting children with sleep. However, they welcome anyone to come along and chat about children's...
Parental Code of Conduct.
Please find attached our Parental Code of Conduct. Staff and pupils have their own Codes of Conduct which they are expected to follow when on school property. This leads to a safe and harmonious place for us all to work and study. The school governors decided that...
When should I report to CEOP?
CEOP helps children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP below.
Other people who can help
For advice and to seek help on a range of issues, from hacking to cyberbullying, click here.