Maths in KS1

Maths in KS1

This week in KS1 we have Maths magicians. Owls and Robins have been looking at addition and subtraction, creating our own number stories and reinforcing number bonds to 10. Nightingales have been multiplying by 10! Why not ask us a tricky question at home and let us...
Body percussion in KS1

Body percussion in KS1

In KS1 we have been exploring body percussions. We have been marching to the beat, recognising a change in tempo (speed) and clapping along to different rhythms including crochets and quavers.
Marvellous Materials in KS1

Marvellous Materials in KS1

In science this term we are learning about everyday materials and their properties. This week, we have been learning to identify the difference between an object and the material it is made from. We have been exploring different materials and discussing their...
La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...