We have continued to focus on our topic of space this week. We all chose a planet, star or moon from the Solar System and drew it using chalk. We have displayed them in our classroom and they look fantastic! We continued to share space themed stories during snack times, made space themed pictures on the interactive white board and at the painting easel and the writing table. We shared the book, Secretes of Winter this week and used torches to shine onto the pages to reveal hidden creatures and facts about their Winter habits. During maths we participated in some counting activities using compare bears and the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to help us. During our physical development sessions we made obstacle courses to demonstrate different ways of moving our bodies. As it was too windy to participate in our outdoor session today we played some space themed games in the hall. We used hoops to represent planets and played a corner game. We also played a sorting game which involved putting the matching colour item into hoops. This game was really exciting as we raced against a timer that we could see on the white board screen.

Article 1: Everyone, under 18, has the rights of the UN Convention.

Article 2: All children have rights. No child should be treated unfairly.

Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.