Sports Premium

More Information
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2023-2024
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2022-23
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2021-22
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2020-21
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2019-20 final
- Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2018
- School Sport Action Plan 2024-2025
- School Sport Action Plan 2023-24
- School Sport Action Plan 2022-23
- School Sport Action Plan 2021-2022
- School Sport Action Plan 2019-2020 (1) (1) (2)
- School Sport Action Plan 2018-2019
- School Sport Action Plan 2017-2018
- sports-premium-2016-2017-windy-nook
- sports-premium-2015-2016-updated-1
- Sports-premium-2014-2015 updated
Windy Nook Primary School Sports Action Plan 2024-2025
Article 15 – freedom of association to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 29 – goals of education to develop talents and abilities to their full.
Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in wider range of activities.
The focus over the next 12 months will be to maintain the school’s strengths in coaches and sport events and to take elements from the Sainsbury’s scheme and the Childhood Obesity Plan about getting children active and ensuring sports are inclusive and engaging. Guidelines from the Government’s expectation of how Sport Premium should be spent form the subsections below.
Childhood Obesity Plan focus points:
- Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese.
- Every primary school child should getat least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events, with the remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time.
- This will set out how schools can work with the school nurses, health centres, healthy weight teams in local authorities and other resources, to help children develop a healthier lifestyle.
- Sainsbury’s School Games Mark contains various points about engaging the inactive population amongst the children and increasing elements engaging SEN children.
For the academic year 2024/25 our Sport Premium Grant Allocation is approximately £18,509
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Objective |
Method |
Impact |
Sustainability |
Promote active lifestyle with P.E. lesson to be pure cardio based every half term.
Continue the Daily Mile initiative.
– All school teaching staff. |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson. Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 2 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina. 1.30 walking followed by 1 min of running and so on.
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. Potential Fun Run linked to London marathon to be ran.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge. |
Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
Prepare children for external events such as cross country and fun run.
Improve fitness and love of regular exercise post covid 19.
Involve parents in their children’s fitness and encourage them to maintain regular exercise at home. |
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats, playground).
– P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use. |
Audit and organisation of PE cupboard and shed completed in Summer term.
PE equipment needed- new football nets, nets for basketball hoops, general PE equipment and playground equipment- playground buddies scheme starting in September to monitor this across the year. |
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons. |
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Improved quality of clubs.
Improved quality of PE lessons and planning with up to date resources. |
School Sport Council
Playground Buddies
Sports Leaders |
School Sports Council to run in Y6 next year. Sports council to be involved with events from early on including with winter runderland challenge running circuit classes.
Surveys to be completed in September to address activity levels and preferences for clubs. Same survey to be completed at the end of the year to compare.
Playground buddies and sports leader’s initiative to be ran by sports coach as it has been in previous year. |
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills.
More structured playtimes lead by playground buddies to ensure active play with improved behaviour. |
Legacy of pupil engagement.
Change and adapt directly to pupils’ wants and needs.
Survey the impact regularly and take feedback on coaches and successes.
Children can assist with PE lessons and break times to help other children with organised play. |
Increased frequency of PE website entries
All staff |
Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages. First lesson and final lesson videos to be maintained to show progress- sports coach to monitor this. |
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise.
Progress of learning clear and evident throughout school. |
Raise awareness and accountability.
Assessment of children and learning outcome more clear, |
PE Vocabulary
PE coordinator
Vocabulary has been developed and is added to the MTPs for each unit of work.
Work with Danielle to ensure tier 2 vocabulary is correct on MTP. |
Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range. |
Progressive throughout the school to show how children’s awareness of terms and language develops alongside their learning in PE.
Better quality of PE lessons. |
Swimming for Y4 |
Swimming lessons to be booked for year 4 including any necessary catch up as last year’s was missed.
Potential for staff to receive swimming teaching training. |
More children in UKS2 leave school being able to swim the regulation distance. |
Children learn and advance their swimming skills.
Children are more confident in water safety. |
Bought in to the GSSP Health and Wellbeing SLA |
Wellbeing winners
CPD/ Conferences
Wellbeing workshops in school
Events/sports day support |
Celebrate staff and pupils’ achievements and contributions to wellbeing.
Children are educated on good practice in health and wellbeing
Children can attend GSSP sporting events including access to cluster groups and sports day assistance. |
Boost staff and pupil morale.
Staff take ideas from workshops to pass on in future years.
Sports day is memorable for children and creates a sense of whole school competition with house point teams. |
New sports kit |
Audit any sports kit including football strips and staff kit.
Staff sports kit for events. (fleece or jacket?) |
Children will feel part of a team and the wider school community.
Maintain a level of professionalism and ensure staff are in correct attire for activities. |
Clear uniform and sense of pride for sports teams.
Improved safeguarding at sports events due to easily recognised adults. |
Sports Coach 75% sports premium funding to pay wage
After School Clubs
Specialist intervention
Coaching of school teams
Assistance with PE lessons
Sports apprentice will continue to be employed throughout next academic year.
Sports clubs to be ran every lunchtime and everyday after school for a range of year groups and a range of sports. Some morning clubs to prepare for competitions.
Friendly matches arranged with other schools to maintain good relationships.
Help children achieve their 60 active minutes per day.
Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities
Children with low activity levels and SEND needs will be supported through interventions. Targeted support identified by the PE tracker. Improve confidence and resilience through sport
Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD. Staff will feel supported with areas of PE curriculum that they are less confident in.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children. Inspire a love of sport within children or the opportunity to try something new.
Increased confidence and resilience in children will directly have a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing.
Orienteering sessions with B outdoors to be organised on annual basis. |
B outdoors orienteering in the nature park in the summer term.
Y 5/6 to then arrange and run orienteering on school grounds for Y3/4 |
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured. |
PE curriculum covers all areas of activity including outdoor and adventurous activities. |
Increased emphasis on cross-curricular PE activities |
Discuss with staff opportunities to develop PE skills and general fitness throughout other aspects of the curriculum.
Seek to achieve Blazing the Trail Silver Award (achieved last year) – values linked to Olympic and Paralympic values. |
To allow children to see PE as something they can do in a range of settings and subjects. Broaden the skills children are taught. Children are more active; therefore, increase their level of concentration. Cross-curricular projects are often linked to Paralympic sport |
Physical activity becomes routine, is not just part of the PE and playtimes.
By having it during lesson time, all children engaged including less active.
Children have a wider understanding of the impact and importance of sport including disability sport |
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained. |
Taster sessions and coaching for KS1 with Felling cricket club to be maintained.
Children engage with a variety of different sports.
Promote love of sport within school and community. |
Potential for children to engage more with clubs outside of school and develop within that sport. |
Contribution towards residential trip for Year 6 |
£50 per pupil given to ensure children are able to take part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities while on residential. |
Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. |
Children may engage outside of school in activities experienced on residential.
Promotes team work skills. |
Review participation within the after-school clubs
– P.E. Coordinator and office staff to coordinate. |
Monitor the numbers of children attending the after-school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school. Look at end of year surveys completed in July 2024 to help plan clubs.
Sports coach to run regular after school clubs and morning clubs for events.
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. |
Support children in moving into clubs and open up popular clubs to more people.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
School Games Gold Award achieved. This should be maintained for the following year. Look at framework early on. |
Intra / Inter School Sport
GSSP SLA membership that includes events, cluster meetings, CPD, sports day etc.
Cost of transportation
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions |
Continue to attend a range of inter-school activities including more cluster events. G&T children to do additional sessions with sports coach in lead up to events.
Continue with whole school virtual events such as winter runderland.
Drive this year to raise Intra-School events including between classes in year groups with an event every term when a period of coaching culminates. Supported by sports coach.
We will aim to attend more than 1 Sportability event this year with a KS2 team. Including taking children in targeted in
Teachers to try Boccia in a PE lesson throughout the year using the equipment provided. – Boccia sets to be purchased.
Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Give children the opportunity to compete against other skills and work as a team.
Ensure there are equal opportunities across school sports. |
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online.
Improved team work skills and resilience within children through competitive sport. Improved behaviour through selection of teams being based on attitude.
Encourage children with all skills into different roles within sport and P.E.
Equality of Opportunities |
Staff training
GSSP/ Complete PE
GSSP training to be accessed as part of our SLA.
Questionnaires to be distributed to staff to outline any further areas where they feel they feel less confident and seek training/support for this. |
Raise awareness of skills.
Engage staff in working alongside the coaches. |
Expose staff to greater range of skills.
Staff identify G&T children throughout lesson.
PE specific CPD to be attended by PE co-ordinator. Additional training for sports coach and new PE lead with current lead being on maternity. |
CPD with example focuses of assessment, curriculum, inclusion etc to be attended by PE coordinator
Networking meetings attended to ensure knowledge of events is up to date and good practice shared. |
Further develop PE curriculum within school and ensure it is progressive and inclusive. |
Planning and assessment to be adapted to reflect any CPD and this is fed back to all staff. |
Complete PE scheme |
Scheme bought into for another year.
PE leader to implement this into our Windy Nook plans. |
Complete PE scheme is progressive and easy for staff to follow with videos available. |
Increased staff confidence in teaching PE will result in improved lessons. |
Assessment |
PE assessments updated at the end of last academic year. This needs to be monitored by new lead. |
Children are assessed for PE accurately.
Assessment simplified to make more accurate judgement and support children who are not age related. |
Training for new reporting tool for sports premium. |
New reporting tool being introduced for next year.
Sports coach/ PE lead will need training for this. |
Increased confidence in reporting sports premium plan. |
Following mandatory government guidelines to report online. |
Windy Nook Primary School Sports Action Plan 2023-2024
Article 15 – freedom of association to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 29 – goals of education to develop talents and abilities to their full.
Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in wider range of activities.
The focus over the next 12 months will be to maintain the school’s strengths in coaches and sport events and to take elements from the Sainsbury’s scheme and the Childhood Obesity Plan about getting children active and ensuring sports are inclusive and engaging. Guidelines from the Government’s expectation of how Sport Premium should be spent form the subsections below.
Childhood Obesity Plan focus points:
- Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese.
- Every primary school child should getat least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events, with the remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time.
- This will set out how schools can work with the school nurses, health centres, healthy weight teams in local authorities and other resources, to help children develop a healthier lifestyle.
- Sainsbury’s School Games Mark contains various points about engaging the inactive population amongst the children and increasing elements engaging SEN children.
For the academic year 2023/24 our Sport Premium Grant Allocation is approximately £18,500.
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Objective |
Method |
Impact |
Sustainability |
Promote active lifestyle with P.E. lesson to be pure cardio based every half term.
Continue the Daily Mile initiative.
– All school teaching staff. |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson. Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 2 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina. 1.30 walking followed by 1 min of running and so on.
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. Potential Fun Run linked to London marathon to be ran.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge. |
Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
Prepare children for external events such as cross country and fun run.
Improve fitness and love of regular exercise post covid 19.
Involve parents in their children’s fitness and encourage them to maintain regular exercise at home. |
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats, playground).
– P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use. |
Audit and organisation of PE cupboard and shed completed in Summer term.
PE equipment needed- new football nets, nets for basketball hoops, general PE equipment and playground equipment- playground buddies scheme starting in September to monitor this across the year. |
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons. |
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Improved quality of clubs.
Improved quality of PE lessons and planning with up to date resources. |
School Sport Council
Playground Buddies
Sports Leaders |
School Sports Council to run in Y6 next year. Sports council to be involved with events from early on including with winter runderland challenge running circuit classes.
Surveys to be completed in September to address activity levels and preferences for clubs. Same survey to be completed at the end of the year to compare.
Playground buddies and sports leader’s initiative to be ran by sports coach. |
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills.
More structured playtimes lead by playground buddies to ensure active play with improved behaviour. |
Legacy of pupil engagement.
Change and adapt directly to pupils’ wants and needs.
Survey the impact regularly and take feedback on coaches and successes.
Children can assist with PE lessons and break times to help other children with organised play. |
Increased frequency of PE website entries
All staff |
Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages. |
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise. |
Raise awareness and accountability. |
PE Vocabulary
PE coordinator
Vocabulary has been developed and is added to the MTPs for each unit of work. |
Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range. |
Progressive throughout the school to show how children’s awareness of terms and language develops alongside their learning in PE.
Better quality of PE lessons. |
Swimming for Y4/5 |
Swimming lessons to be booked for year 4/5 including any necessary catch up as last year’s was missed.
Potential for staff to receive swimming teaching training. |
More children in UKS2 leave school being able to swim the regulation distance. |
Children learn and advance their swimming skills.
Children are more confident in water safety. |
Bought in to the GSSP Health and Wellbeing SLA |
Wellbeing winners
CPD/ Conferences
Wellbeing workshops in school
Events/sports day support |
Celebrate staff and pupils’ achievements and contributions to wellbeing.
Children are educated on good practice in health and wellbeing
Children can attend GSSP sporting events including access to cluster groups and sports day assistance. |
Boost staff and pupil morale.
Staff take ideas from workshops to pass on in future years.
Sports day is memorable for children and creates a sense of whole school competition with house point teams. |
Activities linked to the Summer Olympics. |
Themed week to be ran in the summer term with cross-curricular links to the Olympics including our school games day. |
Raise awareness of a big sporting event.
Children will be able to learn about different countries, cultures and values of sport. |
Whole school challenge gives sense of community.
Could be linked to reading? |
New sports kit |
Audit any sports kit including football strips- some new ones to be purchased by parents.
Staff sports kit for events. (fleece or jacket?) |
Children will feel part of a team and the wider school community.
Maintain a level of professionalism and ensure staff are in correct attire for activities. |
Clear uniform and sense of pride for sports teams.
Improved safeguarding at sports events due to easily recognised adults. |
Sports Apprentice 75% sports premium funding to pay wage (approx. £11,427)
After School Clubs
Specialist intervention
Coaching of school teams
Assistance with PE lessons
Sports apprentice will continue to be employed throughout next academic year.
Sports clubs to be ran every lunchtime and everyday after school for a range of year groups and a range of sports. Some morning clubs to prepare for competitions.
Friendly matches arranged with other schools to maintain good relationships.
Help children achieve their 60 active minutes per day.
Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities
Children with low activity levels and SEND needs will be supported through interventions. Targeted support identified by the PE tracker. Improve confidence and resilience through sport
Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD. Staff will feel supported with areas of PE curriculum that they are less confident in.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children. Inspire a love of sport within children or the opportunity to try something new.
Increased confidence and resilience in children will directly have a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing.
Orienteering sessions with B outdoors to be organised on annual basis. |
B outdoors orienteering in the nature park in the summer term.
Y 5/6 to then arrange and run orienteering on school grounds for Y3/4 |
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured. |
PE curriculum covers all areas of activity including outdoor and adventurous activities. |
Increased emphasis on cross-curricular PE activities |
Discuss with staff opportunities to develop PE skills and general fitness throughout other aspects of the curriculum.
Seek to achieve Blazing the Trail Gold Award (achieved last year) – values linked to Olympic and Paralympic values. |
To allow children to see PE as something they can do in a range of settings and subjects. Broaden the skills children are taught. Children are more active; therefore, increase their level of concentration. Cross-curricular projects are often linked to Paralympic sport |
Physical activity becomes routine, is not just part of the PE and playtimes.
By having it during lesson time, all children engaged including less active.
Children have a wider understanding of the impact and importance of sport including disability sport |
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained. |
Taster sessions and coaching for KS1 with Felling cricket club to be maintained.
Further links with other local organisations e.g. destination judo tasters etc.
Children engage with a variety of different sports.
Promote love of sport within school and community. |
Potential for children to engage more with clubs outside of school and develop within that sport. |
Contribution towards residential trip for Year 6 |
£50 per pupil given to ensure children are able to take part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities while on residential. |
Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. |
Children may engage outside of school in activities experienced on residential.
Promotes team work skills. |
Review participation within the after-school clubs
– P.E. Coordinator and office staff to coordinate. |
Monitor the numbers of children attending the after-school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school. Look at end of year surveys completed in July 2023 to help plan clubs.
Sports coach to run regular after school clubs.
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. |
Support children in moving into clubs and open up popular clubs to more people.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
School Games Platinum award achieved last year. This is to be maintained. Focus this year on encouraging girls to get into and maintain sport. |
Intra / Inter School Sport
Cost of transportation
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions |
Continue to attend a range of inter-school activities including more cluster events. G&T children to do additional sessions with sports coach in lead up to events.
Continue with whole school virtual events such as winter runderland.
Drive this year to raise Intra-School events including between classes in year groups with an event every term when a period of coaching culminates. Supported by sports coach.
We will aim to attend more than 1 Sportability event this year with a KS2 team. Including taking children in targeted in
Teachers to try Boccia in a PE lesson throughout the year using the equipment provided. – Boccia sets to be purchased.
Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Give children the opportunity to compete against other skills and work as a team.
Ensure there are equal opportunities across school sports. |
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online.
Improved team work skills and resilience within children through competitive sport. Improved behaviour through selection of teams being based on attitude.
Encourage children with all skills into different roles within sport and P.E.
Equality of Opportunities |
Staff training
GSSP/ Complete PE |
GSSP training to be accessed as part of our SLA. Complete PE online training- date to be arranged as part of our membership with them.
Questionnaires to be distributed to staff to outline any further areas where they feel they feel less confident and seek training/support for this. |
Raise awareness of skills.
Engage staff in working alongside the coaches. |
Expose staff to greater range of skills.
Staff identify G&T children throughout lesson.
PE specific CPD to be attended by PE co-ordinator |
CPD with example focuses of assessment, curriculum, inclusion etc to be attended by PE coordinator
Networking meetings attended to ensure knowledge of events is up to date and good practice shared. |
Further develop PE curriculum within school and ensure it is progressive and inclusive. |
Planning and assessment to be adapted to reflect any CPD and this is fed back to all staff. |
Complete PE scheme |
Scheme bought into for another year.
PE leader to implement this into our Windy Nook plans. |
Complete PE scheme is progressive and easy for staff to follow with videos available. |
Increased staff confidence in teaching PE will result in improved lessons. |
Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2022-23
During 2022-23 Windy Nook primary received £18,502 in Sports Premium Funding.
Objective |
Overview/Cost |
Impact |
Sustainability/ Evaluation |
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity |
Increasing stamina School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warmups at the start of every P.E. lesson.
Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 2 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina.
Purchase of equipment £5533.34 Audit and organisation of PE cupboard and shed completed in Summer term.
PE equipment ordered in summer term including gymnastic mats, additional balls and cricket bats.
More equipment to be ordered in September for playground/PE |
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. End of year PTFA Fun Run.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge.
Children have improved quality of PE lessons through up to date and good quality equipment. The purchase of more gymnastics mats means children can work in smaller groups/pairs.
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons.
All children across the school are improving their stamina through regular running. Staff also often take part with the children which has really motivated them.
UKS2 now run the mile twice a week and are encouraged to follow walk, run, walk model to increase stamina.
School based fun run to be thought about- potentially organised by y6? Link to London marathon?
Staff feel more confident teaching lessons as they know what equipment needs to be used.
Equipment for playground and PE lessons purchased after consulting with children.
Playground monitors rota began to ensure equipment is well looked after- promotes responsibility.
Increased quality of PE lessons through purchase of more high quality equipment.
Equipment checked by sports apprentice prior to unit of work beginning.
. |
Profile of PE and sport is raised as a tool for whole school improvement |
Sports Council School Sport Council set up with year 6 to assist and lead some events e.g. school games day n
Surveys completed in September in KS2 about clubs. Management time given to PE leader to set up these surveys Total staffing time for management cover is £3615.19
Website Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages.
Management time during staff meeting to monitor.
Develop a progressive list of PE vocabulary for each phase. Management time given to ensure vocabulary is clear on plans – see staffing costs
Remind staff about PE vocabulary document in September to ensure they are familiar with correct terminology.
Swimming for year 4/5
Swimming lessons to be booked for year 4/5 including any necessary catch up as last year’s was missed.
Potential for staff to receive swimming teaching training.
GSSP SLA Wellbeing winners
CPD/ Conferences
Wellbeing workshops in school- £178.80
Events/sports day support
World Cup Cross-curricular activities/ challenge to be designed for the whole school linked to the 2022 world cup.
Management time release for PE lead to do this and liaise with sports apprentice and sports council see total staffing cost
New sports kit Purchase new hoodies and t-shirts for sports events. £724.55
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills.
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise.
Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range
More children in UKS2 leave school being able to swim the regulation distance.
Celebrate staff and pupils’ achievements and contributions to wellbeing.
Children are educated on good practice in health and wellbeing
Children can attend GSSP sporting events including access to cluster groups and sports day assistance.
Raise awareness of a big sporting event.
Children will be able to learn about different countries, cultures and values of sport.
Children will feel part of a team and the wider school community. |
Chn have a sense of independence and responsibility. They learn leadership skills through being responsible for leading activities.
Playground buddies and sports leaders programmes to be introduced by sports apprentice in September.
End of year survey has been distributed. Results will be collated in final week and addressed for next year.
Progression of PE clear on website and communication with parents and carers is regular.
Vocabulary document established and used by staff. Vocab is all clear on MTPs and staff refer to this.
Success of this clear within pupil voice interviews and observations.
Year 5 had 2 terms of swimming this year and year 4 had 1. This will change next year to ensure both year groups get 2 full terms over a 2-year cycle. Swimming statistics positive and children are more confident about swimming.
Free teaching of swimming training accessed by sports apprentice. This was previously completed by year 5 class teacher the year before.
20 external events attended across the year with Gateshead SSP.
Sports day was successful again with support from the SSP to run. The SSP have been very helpful in sourcing extra training opportunities for our sports apprentice. Whole staff training on PE and SEN included in the agreement. Staff had some practical ideas as well as guidance with an online resource to support.
Cross-curricular activities linked to the men’s world cup completed in autumn. Women’s world cup celebrated through school games day and blazing the trail activities. This helped to encourage the profile of girls football across school.
New hoodies and t-shirts purchased in a range of sizes. Children feel more included and part of a team and look smart for events.
New football kits sponsored by a parent’s employer in the process of being purchased.
Staff kit could be purchased for events next year. |
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities |
Sports Coach (now sports apprentice) 75% sports premium funding to pay wage (approx. £11,427)
After School Clubs
Specialist intervention
Coaching of school teams
Assistance with PE lessons Sports coach has been employed to start from September for the 2022-23 academic year.
Sports clubs to be ran every lunchtime and everyday after school for a range of year groups and a range of sports.
Orienteering with B outdoors for year 5/6 (£330)
Y6 Residential trip– part of cost subsidised by sports premium. £50 per child- total £1800
Blazing the trail – silver award achieved.
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained.- Felling CC taster sessions |
Help children achieve their 60 active minutes per day.
Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities
Children with low activity levels and SEND needs will be supported through interventions. Targeted support identified by the PE tracker. Improve confidence and resilience through sport.
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured.
PE curriculum covers all areas of activity including outdoor and adventurous activities.
Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. Children may engage outside of school in activities experienced on residential.
Cross curricular links strengthens knowledge in a range of areas. Cross-curricular projects are often linked to Paralympic sport.
Children engage with a variety of different sports.
Promote love of sport within school and community. |
Sports coach was employed from September but left position for another job after October half term.
Sports apprentice taken on to replace on an 18 month course from Jan 2023. This will continue into the next academic year.
Employment of coach/ apprentice has been successful in improving children’s confidence and increasing activity levels across the school.
In survey, parents felt strongly about the need for a coach.
Children really enjoyed orienteering activities and year 6 children who did it last year improved.
Year 6 to run similar type of activity within school grounds for y3/4 after they have done the b outdoors one.
Majority of children who wanted to go on year 6 residential did. Outdoor and adventurous learning covered and it also helped improve team work skills.
Projects completed throughout the school including links to history, geography and art.
Higher levels of engagement in cricket clubs in school as well as sign ups outside of school.
Increase participation in competitive sport |
Review participation of after school clubs Monitor the numbers of children attending the after-school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school.
Sports coach to run regular after school clubs.
Intra / Inter School Sport Buses (£6250.00)
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams.
Transport provided to ensure children can take part in a range of competitions. Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Give children the opportunity to compete against other skills and work as a team.
Increase inclusion within PE and school sport. Appeal to a range of children.
Sports coach has ran 3-4 clubs per week for all ages across the school.
Morning clubs have been introduced in the summer term to help children prepare for competitions.
Additional hours worked by sports apprentice
20 external sports events attended with GSSP including some mass events
2 Top sportabilty events attended. |
Increase confidence, Knowledge and skills of all staff |
Staff training GSSP SLA- £2310 Wellbeing SLA- £554
Training for sports apprentice Extra training for sports apprentice GSSP and external
Subject leader CPD GSSP conferences, network meeting and CPD attended by PE lead.
Complete PE New scheme purchased Cost- £975 + VAT- £1170 |
Further develop PE curriculum within school and ensure it is progressive and inclusive.
Enhance skills and knowledge of sports apprentice to help improve quality of PE lessons and clubs
Improve skills and knowledge of subject leader to help them adapt curriculum and wider school life.
Improver quality of planning and ensure that learning is progressive.
Planning easier to follow for staff with clear videos etc. |
All teaching staff and some Tas accessed staff CPD about PE and SEN.
Training plan developed with college tutor to continue into next year.
Continue to embed complete PE scheme into our medium term plans for each phase.
Windy Nook Primary School Sports Action Plan 2022-2023
Article 15 – freedom of association to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 29 – goals of education to develop talents and abilities to their full.
Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in wider range of activities.
The focus over the next 12 months will be to maintain the school’s strengths in coaches and sport events and to take elements from the Sainsbury’s scheme and the Childhood Obesity Plan about getting children active and ensuring sports are inclusive and engaging. Guidelines from the Government’s expectation of how Sport Premium should be spent form the subsections below.
Childhood Obesity Plan focus points:
- Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese.
- Every primary school child should getat least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events, with the remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time.
- This will set out how schools can work with the school nurses, health centres, healthy weight teams in local authorities and other resources, to help children develop a healthier lifestyle.
- Sainsbury’s School Games Mark contains various points about engaging the inactive population amongst the children and increasing elements engaging SEN children.
For the academic year 2022/23 our Sport Premium Grant Allocation is approximately £18,500.
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Objective | Method | Impact | Sustainability |
Promote active lifestyle with P.E. lesson to be pure cardio based every half term.
Continue the Daily Mile initiative.
– All school teaching staff. |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson. Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 3 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina.
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. End of year PTFA Fun Run.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge. |
Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
School wide initiative. Make links with Windy Nook Park Run to encourage regular running.
Improve fitness and love of regular exercise post covid 19.
Involve parents in their children’s fitness and encourage them to maintain regular exercise at home. |
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats, playground).
– P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use. |
Audit and organisation of PE cupboard and shed completed in Summer term.
PE equipment ordered in summer term including gymnastic mats, additional balls and cricket bats.
More equipment to be ordered in September for playground/PE |
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons in line with Covid 19 guidance. |
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Improved quality of clubs.
Improved quality of PE lessons and planning with up to date resources. |
School Sport Council |
School Sports Council to run in Y6 next year. Sports council to be involved with events from early on including with winter runderland challenge running circuit classes.
Surveys to be completed in September to address activity levels and preferences for clubs. Same survey to be completed at the end of the year to compare. |
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills. |
Legacy of pupil engagement.
Change and adapt directly to pupils’ wants and needs.
Survey the impact regularly and take feedback on coaches and successes.
Children can assist with PE lessons and break times to help other children with organised play. |
Increased frequency of PE website entries
All staff |
Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages. |
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise. |
Raise awareness and accountability. |
PE Vocabulary
PE coordinator
Develop a progressive list of PE vocabulary for each phase.
Remind staff about PE vocabulary document in September to ensure they are familiar with correct terminology. |
Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range. |
Progressive throughout the school to show how children’s awareness of terms and language develops alongside their learning in PE.
Better quality of PE lessons. |
Swimming for Y4/5 |
Swimming lessons to be booked for year 5/6 including any necessary catch up as last year’s was missed.
Potential for staff to receive swimming teaching training. |
More children in UKS2 leave school being able to swim the regulation distance. |
Children learn and advance their swimming skills.
Children are more confident in water safety. |
Bought in to the GSSP Health and Wellbeing SLA |
Wellbeing winners
CPD/ Conferences
Wellbeing workshops in school
Events/sports day support |
Celebrate staff and pupils’ achievements and contributions to wellbeing.
Children are educated on good practice in health and wellbeing
Children can attend GSSP sporting events including access to cluster groups and sports day assistance. |
Boost staff and pupil morale.
Staff take ideas from workshops to pass on in future years.
Sports day is memorable for children and creates a sense of whole school competition with house point teams. |
Activities linked to the winter world cup in autumn 2 | Cross-curricular activities/ challenge to be designed for the whole school linked to the 2022 world cup. |
Raise awareness of a big sporting event.
Children will be able to learn about different countries, cultures and values of sport. |
Whole school challenge gives sense of community.
Could be linked to reading? |
New sports kit | Purchase new hoodies and t-shirts for sports events. | Children will feel part of a team and the wider school community. | Clear uniform and sense of pride for sports teams. |
Sports Coach 75% sports premium funding to pay wage (approx. £11,427)
After School Clubs
Specialist intervention
Coaching of school teams
Assistance with PE lessons
Sports coach has been employed to start from Sepetmber for the 2022-23 academic year.
Sports clubs to be ran every lunchtime and everyday after school for a range of year groups and a range of sports
Help children achieve their 60 active minutes per day.
Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities
Children with low activity levels and SEND needs will be supported through interventions. Targeted support identified by the PE tracker. Improve confidence and resilience through sport
Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD. Staff will feel supported with areas of PE curriculum that they are less confident in.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children. Inspire a love of sport within children or the opportunity to try something new.
Increased confidence and resilience in children will directly have a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing.
Orienteering sessions with B outdoors to be organised on annual basis. |
B outdoors orienteering in the nature park in the summer term.
Staff organised orienteering in school for Y3/4 |
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured. | PE curriculum covers all areas of activity including outdoor and adventurous activities. |
Increased emphasis on cross-curricular PE activities |
Discuss with staff opportunities to develop PE skills and general fitness throughout other aspects of the curriculum.
Seek to achieve Blazing the Trail Gold Award (achieved last year) – values linked to Olympic and Paralympic values. |
To allow children to see PE as something they can do in a range of settings and subjects. Broaden the skills children are taught. Children are more active; therefore, increase their level of concentration. Cross-curricular projects are often linked to Paralympic sport |
Physical activity becomes routine, is not just part of the PE and playtimes.
By having it during lesson time, all children engaged including less active.
Children have a wider understanding of the impact and importance of sport including disability sport |
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained. |
Taster sessions and coaching for KS1 with Felling cricket club to be maintained.
Further links with other local organisations e.g. destination judo tasters etc.
Children engage with a variety of different sports.
Promote love of sport within school and community. |
Potential for children to engage more with clubs outside of school and develop within that sport. |
Contribution towards residential trip for Year 6 | £50 per pupil given to ensure children are able to take part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities while on residential. | Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. |
Children may engage outside of school in activities experienced on residential.
Promotes team work skills. |
Review participation within the after-school clubs
– P.E. Coordinator and office staff to coordinate. |
Monitor the numbers of children attending the after-school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school.
Sports coach to run regular after school clubs.
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. |
Support children in moving into clubs and open up popular clubs to more people.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
School Games Platinum award achieved last year. This is to be maintained. Add specific focus after looking at criteria |
Intra / Inter School Sport
Cost of transportation
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions |
Continue to attend a range of inter-school activities including more cluster events. G&T children to do additional sessions with sports coach in lead up to events.
Continue with whole school virtual events such as winter runderland.
Drive this year to raise Intra-School events including between classes in year groups with an event every term when a period of coaching culminates. Supported by sports coach.
We will aim to attend more than 1 Sportability event this year with a KS2 team. Including taking children in targeted in
Teachers to try Boccia in a PE lesson throughout the year using the equipment provided.
Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Give children the opportunity to compete against other skills and work as a team.
Ensure there are equal opportunities across school sports. |
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online.
Improved team work skills and resilience within children through competitive sport. Improved behaviour through selection of teams being based on attitude.
Encourage children with all skills into different roles within sport and P.E.
Equality of Opportunities |
Staff training
Sports coach to deliver cricket/striking and fielding training |
Sports coach to deliver cricket/ striking and fielding games training as this is his area of expertise and is something that is taught in all key stages.
Questionnaires to be distributed to staff to outline any further areas where they feel they feel less confident and seek training/support for this. |
Raise awareness of skills.
Engage staff in working alongside the coaches. |
Expose staff to greater range of skills.
Staff identify G&T children throughout lesson.
PE specific CPD to be attended by PE co-ordinator |
CPD with example focuses of assessment, curriculum, inclusion etc to be attended by PE coordinator
Networking meetings attended to ensure knowledge of events is up to date and good practice shared. |
Further develop PE curriculum within school and ensure it is progressive and inclusive. | Planning and assessment to be adapted to reflect any CPD and this is fed back to all staff. |
Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2021-22.
During 2021-22 Windy Nook primary received £18,500 in Sports Premium Funding.
Objective |
Overview/Cost |
impact |
Sustainability |
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson.
Children across the school to continue daily mile.
Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders.
KS2 children should aim to do the mile 3 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina.
New equipment purchased incl KS1 PE shed (cost)
Additional playground equipment purchased |
Increased fitness levels of children is evident through increased cardio warm ups and Hiit lessons
Children regularly take part in the mile and enjoy challenging themselves.
Tailored running plan linked to couch 2 5k trialled in year 5. Successful in ensuring children do not give up too quickly and that they improve their stamina.
Children have improved quality of PE lessons through up to date and good quality equipment. The purchase of more gymnastics mats means children can work in smaller groups/pairs.
Encouraged more active playtimes and better behaviour. Children were involved in the decision making regarding this equipment. |
All children across the school are improving their stamina through regular running. Staff also often take part with the children which has really motivated them.
Timed running plan with year 5 will help them for the fun run next year and potentially entering the cross country again.
Staff feel more confident teaching lessons as they know what equipment needs to be used.
Children are more active at playtimes and are achieving their 60 active minutes a day more regularly. |
Profile of PE and sport is raised as a tool for whole school improvement |
School Sport Council set up with year 6 to assist and lead some events e.g. school games day n
Surveys completed in September in KS2 about clubs
PE website entries monitored. Most phases doing regular PE posts. Remind again at the start of next year.
PE vocabulary document developed using PE lead management time (cost)
Swimming for year 5 and 6 including cost of transport
Including Support of Swimming Teaching training for member of staff (cost) |
Children have experience of leadership and some accountability towards decisions.
Surveys showed how confident children were with sport and what clubs they would want in school. Clubs for this year adapted from those results
Profile of PE is raised across the school and parents can see what children are doing in lessons.
Staff and children are using correct vocabulary for their year group- this was evident in drop ins.
Year 5 had a longer block of swimming due to missed time after the pandemic. This increased their confidence and children made good progress. |
Gives children a sense of independence and responsibility within school. Year 6 sports councillors have acted as role models for future members.
Badges/ hats to be purchased for sports council next year
Survey to be carried out yearly with confidence and enjoyment of clubs questions to follow at the end of the academic year to see impact/ any changes needed.
Progression of PE clear on website and communication with parents and carers is regular.
Higher quality PE lessons taught and better understanding of their learning. Children are then engaging with more than just the physical aspect of PE
A good proportion of year 5 children can swim the statutory amount already which will set them up well to continue in year 6.
Staff can support children with additional needs in the pool. |
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities |
Golden time club £1,200 After school clubs £4800 Healthy Schools cost £550
Coaches for after school club
Orienteering with B outdoors for year 5/6 (£330)
Y6 Residential trip- part of cost subsidised by sports premium. (£50 per child Blazing the trail silver award achieved
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained. |
Gibside trip from Healthy Schools Association was a successful trip for year 5 who benefitted from the education about mental health and mindfulness.
Basketball coach helped to prepare children for inter-school competition.
Coverage of outdoor and adventurous activities as part of KS2 PE curriculum.
Range of outdoor and adventurous activities covered don residential trip.
Children have had the opportunity to learn about different aspects of sport and the Olympic values.
Felling Cricket club tasters and competitions. Heworth events attended. Children have access to information about local organisations outside of school. |
Promoted health and wellbeing and gave children strategies to deal with stress and manage their mental health
Increased confidence of children and staff members who observed coaching.
Children get the opportunity to do something they may not have access to outside of school and cover all parts of PE curriculum to a good standard.
Cross curricular links made with PE to support learners in other subjects e.g. art, music, English etc.
Children have good knowledge of local organisations and links with secondary schools. |
Increase participation in competitive sport |
Review participation within the after-school clubs. Surveys/registers looked at.
Intra / Inter School Sport Buses (Cost)
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions
Transport (Cost) |
Good attendance in after school clubs offered. More clubs to be offered next academic year with sports coach.
Range of events attended throughout the year against other schools and intra school competitions run within school. All children in y5/6 had the opportunity to take part in competitive sport if they chose to do so. |
Children are more likely to achieve 60 minutes of physical activity a day.
Inclusion of all ability children in competitive sport and opportunity for children to excel at sports.
1 top sportsability event attended. Other one cancelled. |
Increase confidence, Knowledge and skills of all staff |
Sports Partnership £2,500
PE coordinator attended PE conference.
GSSP Gymnastics training
CPD attended by PE lead-
Workshops attended on inclusive pe, assessment in pe and ofsted deep dive.
GSSP sports day accessed and support with school games application.
Staff taught more explicit teaching of gymnastics and given helpful resources. |
Power of PE Scheme now embedded.
Important information fed back to staff about SEND inclusion in PE including some useful resources. Staff increase confidence in adapting PE for SEND.
Ofsted training provided key information for subject leader, which was helpful during mock deep dive.
Staff more confident in teaching of PE.
LTP and Medium-term plans for PE updated to show clearly show the learning journey within each phase.
PE coordinator increasing confidence within role. |
Windy Nook Primary School Sports Action Plan 2021-2022
Article 15 – freedom of association to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 29 – goals of education to develop talents and abilities to their full.
Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in wider range of activities.
The focus over the next 12 months will be to maintain the school’s strengths in coaches and sport events and to take elements from the Sainsbury’s scheme and the Childhood Obesity Plan about getting children active and ensuring sports are inclusive and engaging. Guidelines from the Government’s expectation of how Sport Premium should be spent form the subsections below.
Childhood Obesity Plan focus points:
- Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese.
- Every primary school child should getat least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events, with the remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time.
- This will set out how schools can work with the school nurses, health centres, healthy weight teams in local authorities and other resources, to help children develop a healthier lifestyle.
- Sainsbury’s School Games Mark contains various points about engaging the inactive population amongst the children and increasing elements engaging SEN children.
For the academic year 2021/22 our Sport Premium Grant Allocation is approximately £18,500.
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Objective | Method | Impact | Sustainability |
Promote active lifestyle with P.E. lesson to be pure cardio based every half term.
Continue the Daily Mile initiative.
– All school teaching staff. |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson. Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 3 times a week.
Children to follow progressive running plan tailored to their ability to ensure progression of stamina.
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. End of year PTFA Fun Run.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge. |
Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
School wide initiative. Make links with Windy Nook Park Run to encourage regular running.
Improve fitness and love of regular exercise post covid 19.
Involve parents in their children’s fitness and encourage them to maintain regular exercise at home. |
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats, playground).
– P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use. |
Audit and organisation of PE cupboard and shed completed in Summer term.
Additional playground equipment (new basketball hoop) ordered. Gymnastics mats ordered.
General PE equipment e.g. cones and markers etc purchased. |
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons in line with Covid 19 guidance. |
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Improved quality of clubs.
Improved quality of PE lessons and planning with up to date resources. |
School Sport Council |
School Sports Council to run in Y5/6 next year. Ran over 2 key stages so that those moving into Year 6 the following year can support.
Surveys to be completed in September to address activity levels and preferences for clubs. |
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills. |
Legacy of pupil engagement.
Change and adapt directly to pupils’ wants and needs.
Survey the impact regularly and take feedback on coaches and successes.
Children can assist with PE lessons and break times to help other children with organised play. |
Increased frequency of PE website entries
All staff |
Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages. |
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise. |
Raise awareness and accountability. |
Show Racism the Red Card |
Show Racism the Red Card Workshops for Year 5/6
Enquiry made for the autumn term |
Equality for all. Improved team work and citizenship encouraged. |
Participate on a biennial basis.
Y5 and 6 to participate this year as it was missed last 2 years. |
PE Vocabulary
PE coordinator
Develop a progressive list of PE vocabulary for each phase.
Introduce to staff for September. |
Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range. |
Progressive throughout the school to show how children’s awareness of terms and language develops alongside their learning in PE.
Better quality of PE lessons. |
Swimming for Y5/6 |
Swimming lessons to be booked for year 5/6 including any necessary catch up as last year’s was missed.
Potential for staff to receive swimming teaching training. |
More children in UKS2 leave school being able to swim the regulation distance. |
Children learn and advance their swimming skills.
Children are more confident in water safety. |
Bought in to the GSSP Health and Wellbeing SLA |
Wellbeing winners
CPD/ Conferences
Wellbeing workshops in school |
Celebrate staff and pupils’ achievements and contributions to wellbeing.
Children are educated on good practice in health and wellbeing |
Boost staff and pupil morale.
Staff take ideas from workshops to pass on in future years. |
Maintain after school club coaches.
Orienteering sessions with B outdoors to be organised on annual basis. |
Build on the success of the taster session and recent competitions. This will allow children throughout school to access a range of sports over a sustained period of time that will engage their early development of key skills that will be used in sports as they move up the school. Budget for more coaching this year as not all last year’s coaching was used.
Book external coaches for clubs based on needs/preferences of the children.
B outdoors orienteering in the nature park in the summer term. |
Target all the basic skills needed in personal development (agility, coordination, flexibility etc.) as identified in the National Curriculum.
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured. |
Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children. Inspire a love of sport within children or the opportunity to try something new.
Increased emphasis on cross-curricular PE activities |
Discuss with staff opportunities to develop PE skills and general fitness throughout other aspects of the curriculum.
Seek to achieve Blazing the Trail Silver Award – values linked to Olympic and Paralympic values. |
To allow children to see PE as something they can do in a range of settings and subjects. Broaden the skills children are taught. Children are more active; therefore increase their level of concentration. |
Physical activity becomes routine, is not just part of the PE and playtimes.
By having it during lesson time, all children engaged including less active.
Links with local clubs/organisations maintained. |
Taster sessions and coaching for KS1 with Felling cricket club to be maintained.
Further links with other local organisations e.g. destination judo tasters etc.
Enquiry made with hoopz for health |
Children engage with a variety of different sports.
Promote love of sport within school and community. |
Potential for children to engage more with clubs outside of school and develop within that sport. |
Contribution towards residential trip for Year 6 | £50 per pupil given to ensure children are able to take part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities while on residential. | Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. |
Children may engage outside of school in activities experienced on residential.
Promotes team work skills. |
Yoga sessions | Children to receive yoga taster session in the autumn term. | Children are exposed to a broader range of activities. | Promotes good physical and mental well being and helps children to relax. |
Review participation within the after school clubs
– P.E. Coordinator and office staff to coordinate. |
Monitor the numbers of children attending the after school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school.
Staff to run some after school clubs for their class/ phase.
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. |
Support children in moving into clubs and open up popular clubs to more people.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
School Games Gold Award. |
Intra / Inter School Sport
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions |
Reintroduce inter school activities after not engaging in any last year due to covid.
Enter any virtual events while in person inter school events are not possible.
Drive this year to raise Intra-School events including between classes in year groups with an event every term when a period of coaching culminates.
After the success from attending 2019/20 Sportsability we will aim to attend more than 1 Sportability event this year with a KS2 team.
Teachers to try Boccia in a PE lesson throughout the year using the equipment provided.
Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Ensure there are equal opportunities across school sports. |
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online.
Encourage children with all skills into different roles within sport and P.E.
Equality of Opportunities |
Gateshead SSP training day for Gymnastics. |
Staff completed questionnaire to identify areas of strengths and lack of confidence. GSSP to deliver training on gymnastics and how the progression of skills should run through the school. (Training rearranged from last year)
Raise awareness of skills.
Engage staff in working alongside the coaches. |
Expose staff to greater range of skills.
Staff identify G&T children throughout lesson.
Windy Nook Primary School Sports Action Plan 2020-2021
Article 15 – freedom of association to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 29 – goals of education to develop talents and abilities to their full.
Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in wider range of activities.
The focus over the next 12 months will be to maintain the school’s strengths in coaches and sport events and to take elements from the Sainsbury’s scheme and the Childhood Obesity Plan about getting children active and ensuring sports are inclusive and engaging. Guidelines from the Government’s expectation of how Sport Premium should be spent form the subsections below.
Childhood Obesity Plan focus points:
- Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese.
- Every primary school child should getat least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. At least 30 minutes should be delivered in school every day through active break times, PE, extra-curricular clubs, active lessons, or other sport and physical activity events, with the remaining 30 minutes supported by parents and carers outside of school time
- This will set out how schools can work with the school nurses, health centres, healthy weight teams in local authorities and other resources, to help children develop a healthier lifestyle.
- Sainsbury’s School Games Mark contains various points about engaging the inactive population amongst the children and increasing elements engaging SEN children.
For the academic year 2020/21 our Sport Premium Grant Allocation is approximately £18,500.
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Objective | Method | Impact | Sustainability |
Promote active lifestyle with P.E. lesson to be pure cardio based every half term.
Continue the Daily Mile initiative.
– All school teaching staff. |
School will commit to active cardio activities in a circuit style format to increase stamina in addition to the regular 5/10 minute weekly warm ups at the start of every P.E. lesson. Children across the school to continue daily mile. Staff to participate/marshal. Individual pupils chosen as race leaders. Links with Marathon Run tracking system. KS2 children should aim to do the mile 3 times a week.
The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 30/40 minutes get their pulses raised and have some fun.
Increase stamina and general fitness of all children. Give children a personal challenge to try and beat. End of year PTFA Fun Run.
Encourage a love of regular exercise and personal challenge. |
Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
School wide initiative. Make links with Windy Nook Park Run to encourage regular running. Tracking of running times supported by Marathon Run.
Improve fitness and love of regular exercise post covid 19.
Involve parents in their children’s fitness and encourage them to maintain regular exercise at home. |
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats, playground).
Further investment in sport specific equipment to improve PE and competition preparation and support new coaches. More PE equipment to be bought with some of the sports premium funding from last year to ensure children have sufficient equipment for 1 each. (Covid 19 requirements)
– P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use. |
Audit of PE equipment, what items need upgrading, what items are hindering teachers’ abilities to teach effective PE lessons.
Additional playground equipment. Playground buddies and Mini Health Champions trained.
Purchase class sets of equipment e.g. for basketball, football etc. |
Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. (30 minutes a day).
Children can have safe and varied PE lessons in line with Covid 19 guidance. |
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Improved quality of PE lessons and planning with up to date resources. |
School Sport Council |
School Sports Council engaged to run questionnaires and surveys around school on wants and needs of children. Focus on girls’ sports activities.
Surveys repeated Winter / Spring / Summer.
Y5/6 to leadership/playground training. (Use of last year’s playground markings) |
Involve pupils with decision making. Fitness Champions to support playtimes, SEND sports and in P.E. lessons.
Raise accountability for decisions.
Children have higher sense of responsibility and learn leadership skills. |
Legacy of pupil engagement.
Change and adapt directly to pupils’ wants and needs.
Survey the impact regularly and take feedback on coaches and successes.
Children can assist with PE lessons and break times to help other children with organised play. |
Increased frequency of PE website entries
All staff |
Teachers to upload PE entry each half term that discusses the skills the children have been taught. Website post to be tagged under the PE page to celebrate the skills being developed and not just the competitions children enter. Keep the website updated under the new PE/ Sport headed pages. |
Shares the variety of skills being taught. Involves parents and the community about the need for daily exercise. |
Raise awareness and accountability. |
Show Racism the Red Card |
Show Racism the Red Card Workshops for Year 5/6
Equality for all. Improved team work and citizenship encouraged. |
Participate on a biennial basis.
Y5 and 6 to participate this year as it was missed last year. |
PE coordinator |
Children to continue to trial PE self-assessment tools in the Autumn term. This was started last year in one class but seemed to work better on the computers rather than paper copies. Self-assessments to be trialled in all year groups. |
Children are involved in their learning and are aware of where they need to get to by the end of the unit.
Children will strive to improve in the areas that they find more difficult. |
Staff can monitor how confident children are in certain topics and can adapt learning accordingly.
PE Vocabulary
PE coordinator |
Develop a progressive list of PE vocabulary for each phase. | Ensure staff and children are using the correct vocabulary appropriate to the age range. |
Progressive throughout the school to show how children’s awareness of terms and language develops alongside their learning in PE.
Better quality of PE lessons. |
Maintain after school club coaches.
Craig Heap- Gymnast to deliver staff training and pupil session.
Outdoor learning workshop/training for UKS2 and staff. |
Build on the success of the taster session and recent competitions. This will allow children throughout school to access a range of sports over a sustained period of time that will engage their early development of key skills that will be used in sports as they move up the school. Budget for more coaching this year as not all last year’s coaching was used.
Gymnast Craig Heap will visit school to give staff gymnastics training as well as deliver taster sessions to children. This will link to our Olympics work. (Rearranged for this year due to Covid 19)
Seek support from GSSP for outdoor workshops for KS2 and any additional training for staff.
Target all the basic skills needed in personal development (agility, coordination, flexibility etc.) as identified in the National Curriculum.
Better quality teaching of gymnastics and opportunity for children to have professional coaching.
Chn are exposed to a wide variety of activities within PE and coverage of all areas of activity across the curriculum is ensured. |
Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children. Inspire a love of sport within children or the opportunity to try something new. Staff become more confident in teaching outdoor/ adventurous activities. |
Increased emphasis on cross-curricular PE activities |
Discuss with staff opportunities to develop PE skills and general fitness throughout other aspects of the curriculum.
Seek to achieve Blazing the Trail Silver Award – values linked to Olympic and Paralympic values. (Not completed last year due to covid 19, will seek to achieve this year) |
To allow children to see PE as something they can do in a range of settings and subjects. Broaden the skills children are taught. Children are more active; therefore increase their level of concentration. |
Physical activity becomes routine, is not just part of the PE and playtimes.
By having it during lesson time, all children engaged including less active.
Review participation within the after school clubs
– P.E. Coordinator and office staff to coordinate. |
Monitor the numbers of children attending the after school clubs.
Questionnaire to what type of sports children would be engaged with after school.
Seek provision for outdoor after school clubs for summer term. Double gymnastics capacity with additional coach.
Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. |
Support children in moving into clubs and open up popular clubs to more people.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
School Games Gold Award. |
Intra / Inter School Sport
Top Sportability Festivals/Competitions |
Windy Nook already participates in as many Level 2 Inter School Sport events as Gateshead Average.
Drive this year to raise Intra-School events including between classes in year groups with an event every term when a period of coaching culminates.
After the success from attending last year’s Sportsability we will aim to attend more than 1 Sportability event this year with a KS2 team.
Teachers to try Boccia in a PE lesson throughout the year using the equipment provided.
Maintain the engagement externally for all events with additional focus given to coaching key teams in school time.
Ensure there are equal opportunities across school sports. |
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online.
Encourage children with all skills into different roles within sport and P.E.
Equality of Opportunities |
Gateshead SSP training day for Gymnastics. |
Staff completed questionnaire to identify areas of strengths and lack of confidence. GSSP to deliver training on gymnastics and how the progression of skills should run through the school. (Training rearranged from last year)
Raise awareness of skills.
Engage staff in working alongside the coaches. |
Expose staff to greater range of skills.
Staff identify G&T children throughout lesson.
Support to train new PE coordinator | PE coordinator to attend GSSP CPD courses to support within new role. | Ensure the coordinator is effective and confident in their role. | PE coordinator increasing confidence within role. |
Evaluation of Schools Sports premium funding 2020-21.
During 2020-21 Windy Nook primary received £18,500 in Sports Premium Funding.
Objective | cost | impact | Sustainability |
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity |
Additional PE equipment bought prior to start of 2020-21 year to aid covid safe PE lessons. New basketball hoop and gymnastics mats also purchased in Spring term.
Extra PE lessons timetabled and planned each week.
Daily mile initiative maintained.
Chn have had good quality PE with newer, better quality equipment. Older equipment has been sorted and used for playtimes.
Children have benefitted from extra PE each week and enjoyed doing 2 different types of physical activity each term. This has given children more confidence in PE.
Links with marathon kids were not possible to set up due to GDPR rules with them being an American company. The daily mile has still be largely encouraged and maintained by staff. |
Children have improved more in PE lessons through more availability of good quality equipment for each individual.
Children have developed a love of physical activity and have understood the importance of regular exercise on their physical and mental health. Parents have also praised this and have said it has made them encourage their children to be more active.
Playtime equipment and markings improved playtime behaviour and increased level of physical activity. Improved health and well-being of staff and pupils.
Children are engaging in a variety of activities at playtime which is exposing them to different kinds of sport.
All children across the school are improving their stamina through regular running. Staff also often take part with the children which has really motivated them. This will be maintained next year and further encouraged through a hopeful fun run event when covid restrictions are lifted.
Profile of PE and sport is raised as a tool for whole school improvement |
Virtual Torch Relay
Active schools surveys |
We engaged with the virtual torch ran by SSP relay where torch bearers from Year 5 and 6 were elected to demonstrate Olympic values. This enabled children to have a sense of leadership and helped them understand the values of a sportsperson.
We were selected to complete active schools surveys in y1,3 and 5. The results of these will give us an insight into the level of activity in children post covid.
Sports Council to continue next year if bubbles are allowed to mix.
School Sports Council act as role models for the following years.
Raise awareness of PE provision and accountability to parents.
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities |
Golden time club £1,200 After school clubs £4800 Healthy Schools cost £550
Cricket taster sessions.
Craig Heap training for staff and pupil session. (Potentially rearranged for next year due to school closures)
B Outdoors- Orienteering and outdoor day for Year 6.
Engaged with Blazing the trail activities throughout the year. |
Range of after school clubs offered by staff for all class bubbles. Durham Cricket club provided taster session for children in KS1.
55% of KS2 pupils involved in after school activity 65% of KS1 involved in active after school club 37% of EYFS involved in active after school club Gold School Games Award achieved
Better quality teaching of gymnastics and opportunity for children to have professional coaching. Children in Y5 and 6 were given the opportunity to experience something new with orienteering in the nature park. Year 6 children given opportunity to take part in different activities in lieu of a residential trip.
Promote PE and sport across all areas of the curriculum. |
Staff involved in the sessions so that they could increase their knowledge of PE skills for future delivery Coaches provided advice to staff and parents for children identified as G and T. Increased pupil awareness of sporting opportunities available in the community
Staff given the opportunity to work alongside a professional coach and develop their subject knowledge.
Orienteering in the nature park to be made an annual thing to ensure outdoor learning is covered within KS2.
Children engage in activities related to sports and sporting events e.g. the Olympics.
Increase participation in competitive sport |
In person events did not run this year due to Covid restrictions.
Virtual Events through GSSP Winter Runderland Virtual Torch Relay Fitness Frenzy Dance Reunite |
Children could connect with children from other schools. Dance Reunite was a good way to give children in Y5/6 a taste of the dance festival. They still had to work as a team to perform in their final showcase.
Winter Runderland event encouraged healthy competition between classes in the school. |
Children kept active and engaged in some form of competition.
Use of the website; promote our intra school events online. |
Increase confidence, Knowledge and skills of all staff |
Sports Partnership £2,500
Gateshead SSP Gymnastics training (Rearrange for next year)
PE coordinator attended PE conference. |
GSSP virtual events and resources accessed throughout the year to provide a broad PE curriculum for children.
Raise awareness of skills.
Workshops attended on recovery curriculum and Ofsted. PE Vocabulary to be completed to be available to staff in September. |
Power of PE Scheme now embedded. Skills progression through school in key areas. Support with School Games Mark for next year as it was used as a self assessment tool this year.
Expose staff to greater range of skills. Ensure staff are confident in using the correct vocabulary for each key stage.
LTP and Medium term plans for PE updated to show clearly show the learning journey within each phase.
PE coordinator increasing confidence within role. |