Home Learning

In the event of home learning, we will follow the steps outlined in the Home/Remote Learning Plan below.

In the event of the closure of a class, work will be set via the school website for the first two days of closure. This will provide learning across the curriculum and children will be expected to spend a similar amount of time completing this as they would spend learning in school.

Following the initial two days, children in Year 1-6 will be provided with teaching input and resources through Google Classroom for the duration of the closure of their class.

This page contains links to a range of resources which can be accessed across the curriculum, at any time.


Should you have any issues or enquiries please email us at [email protected] and a member of staff will contact you.

Home/Remote Learning Information

Please click on the link below to see details of our Home/Remote Learning Plan:

Remote Learning Plan Windy Nook Primary School

Remote Learning Policy Windy Nook Primary School Dec 2020

General Resources

All children in Years 1-6 have a Google Classroom login. In the event of school closure, work will be set via Google Classroom. Parents can also contact teachers via Google Classroom’s messaging service for support.

Google Classroom

Purple Mash contains a wealth of resources across all curriculum areas. All of our pupils have a Purple Mash login. For Early Years, MiniMash (within Purple Mash) provides a range of resources linked to the Early Years Curriculum.

Purple Mash


Key Stage One (Years One and Two) – Robins, Owls and Nightingales


BBC Bitesize Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

This site contain a wealth of resources, including video lessons and quizzes to support learning in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.

Top Marks English

Select the 5-7 years tab to access a range of interactive games and resources to support learning across the English curriculum, including phonics, punctuation, spelling and reading.



Conquer Maths

Conquer Maths provides video tutorials and online tasks across the maths curriculum. All children have a Conquer Maths login. Teachers may assign tasks or pupils can explore independently.

Times Tables Rockstars

Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant resource for learning times tables. Children can be assigned tasks or explore independently, playing against their peers or in virtual battles. All children have a login.

White Rose Home Learning

White Rose materials support the children with the development of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. The site provides video tutorials and practice questions.


Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) – Bluebells, Tulips and Snowdrops


BBC Bitesize Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

This site contain a wealth of resources, including video lessons and quizzes to support learning in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.

Top Marks English

Select the 7-11 years tab to access a range of interactive games and resources to support learning across the English curriculum, including phonics, punctuation, spelling and reading.



Conquer Maths

Conquer Maths provides video tutorials and online tasks across the maths curriculum. All children have a Conquer Maths login. Teachers may assign tasks or pupils can explore independently.

Times Tables Rockstars

Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant resource for learning times tables. Children can be assigned tasks or explore independently, playing against their peers or in virtual battles. All children have a login.

White Rose Home Learning

White Rose materials support the children with the development of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. The site provides video tutorials and practice questions.



Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 and 6) – Elms, Beeches and Oaks


Reading Plus

Reading Plus supports pupils to develop their reading skills. All upper key stage two pupils have a login. Our site code is rpwindy.

BBC Bitesize Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

This site contain a wealth of resources, including video lessons and quizzes to support learning in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.

Top Marks English

Select the 7-11 years tab to access a range of interactive games and resources to support learning across the English curriculum, including phonics, punctuation, spelling and reading.



Conquer Maths

Conquer Maths provides video tutorials and online tasks across the maths curriculum. All children have a Conquer Maths login. Teachers may assign tasks or pupils can explore independently.

Times Tables Rockstars

Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant resource for learning times tables. Children can be assigned tasks or explore independently, playing against their peers or in virtual battles. All children have a login.

White Rose Home Learning

White Rose materials support the children with the development of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. The site provides video tutorials and practice questions.



Subject Specific Websites

Listed below are a collection of subject specific websites. These are generic and can be used at any time of the school year. We will continue to add to this section over the duration of the academic year.