Owls (Y1/2)

Mr McKay

Welcome to Owls

Hi and welcome to Owls. Our teacher is Mr McKay, who is accompanied by Mrs Collison, Miss Turnbull and Miss Henderson.

In Owls we love to have fun and learn lots of new and exciting things. We always try our best in everything we do.


Must Reads KS1 master copy




Important Information for Owls Parents

Homework – KS1 – Owls, Robins and Nightingales

Pick and mix autumn 1.pdf

Choose one of the activities each week as a homework task.  You can choose any activity you want from the table and you can record it in your homework book.  Once you have completed the task, colour the box and add the date you completed it.  Homework books will be handed out on a Friday to be returned on the Wednesday.


Spellings will be set each Friday and tested the following Friday. Each week, your child’s spellings will be stuck in their reading diary so please ensure it is in school on a Friday. A half termly overview can be found below. Please check carefully which set of spellings your child is learning.

Overview of spellings – Autumn 1 (Year 1 objectives)

Overview of spellings – Autumn 1 (Year 2 objectives)

P.E. – Wednesday

Children must come to school in their school P.E. kit of plain white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms and plain white or black trainers.

Please check PING for regular updates and information.


Mr McKay

Lego Club at Windy Nook!

Lego Club at Windy Nook!

We have been busy in Lego Club during Golden Time. We have been building some fantastic structures! Just take a look! Article 31: You have the right to play and rest.

Representing numbers creatively in Robins and Owls

Representing numbers creatively in Robins and Owls

Robins and Owls have been using their maths equipment to represent numbers. They have been very creative using lots of maths vocabulary! Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live...

Walking Water Investigation

Walking Water Investigation

During our first week back after the holidays the children have been set a couple of whole school science challenges. All children this week have thought about what science is to them and have either drawn pictures, written captions or short sentences to describe what...

Water Safety Day

Water Safety Day

Please click on the link below for further information or should you require a paper version then please just ask at reception: water safety day

Year 1 Homework Owls & Robins

Year 1 Homework Owls & Robins

This week’s homework 5.7.24 for Year 1 is CGP Maths Children to return completed for Wednesday 10.7.24 Thanks Miss Thompson & Mrs Short Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you...

Year 1 Owls & Robins Homework w.e. 28.06.24

Year 1 Owls & Robins Homework w.e. 28.06.24

This week’s homework 28.06.24 for Year 1 is CGP Grammar page 38 and Comprehension Hobbies pages 18 and 19. Children to return completed for Wednesday 03.07.24 Thanks Mrs Short & Miss Thompson Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should...

Windy Winners!

Windy Winners!

A huge well do to all of our winners this week. Top Sportsperson and our monthly value: Top Friendship. Windy Winners 27.6.24  Class  Value - Friendship  Top Sportsperson  Dragonflies  Haroon  Thomas  Ladybirds  Millie  Layla  Robins  Liliana   Louie Owls  Enya George...

Year 1 Homework Robins & Owls

Year 1 Homework Robins & Owls

Homework for week ending 21.6.24 for Year 1 is CGP Maths booklet - Pages 21 & 22 (Fractions) Children to return completed for Wednesday 26.6.24 if you can however Friday 28.6.24 is the deadline as the post is late. Thanks Miss Thompson & Mrs Short  ...

Olympics Day!

Olympics Day!

On Wednesday, we held an Olympics Day to celebrate the upcoming summer games. As part of this, children all came dressed in the colours of an Olympic country and made flags and banners in class for our final parade. They also took part in a number of physical...

Owls & Robins Homework w.e.14.06.24

Owls & Robins Homework w.e.14.06.24

This week’s homework 14.06.24 for Year 1 is CGP Grammar page 35 adding 's' & 'es' and Comprehension p22. Children to return completed for Wednesday 19.06.24 Thanks Mrs Short & Miss Thompson Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should...

Sports Day 2024!

Sports Day 2024!

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have our sports day. 3 representatives from the GSSP came into set up and run the day with a range of exciting activities. In the morning, KS1 began to earn points for their house teams with the Rubies gaining the most in the morning...

Year 1 Homework Owls and Robins

Year 1 Homework Owls and Robins

This week’s homework 7.6.24 for Year 1 is CGP Maths page 35 and 36 Children to return completed for Wednesday 12.6.24 Thanks Miss Thompson & Mrs Short Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the...