At Windy Nook Primary School, our intent is to incorporate key geographical concepts across the curriculum. This allows our pupils to develop a greater understanding and awareness of the world around them.
The implementation allows the children to compare and contrast our local area to international locations, therefore further developing geographical concepts. Pupils learn the geographic skills and vocabulary required through a variety of digital and practical activities, including fieldwork. This broadens their knowledge and allows them to access Geography through various forms. Pupils develop their ability to use and navigate maps to locate cities, countries, mountain ranges, rivers, seas and oceans through a variety of forms, such as atlases, ordinance survey maps, digital and satellite maps. Our ‘Where in the World Map?’ enables pupils to apply their learning about countries from other subjects to Geography.
The impact of the teaching, learning and experiences is pupils have a curiosity about the world around them and can identify similarities and differences between themselves and others in terms of how and why we live like we do.
In the Early Years, Geography is linked to Understanding the World – People and Communities, The World. For further information please refer to the Evidencing Subjects in the Early Years at Windy Nook Primary Document or click on the link for Birth to 5 Matters In the Early Years, Geography is linked to Understanding the World – People and Communities, The World.

To find out more about our Geography curriculum at Windy Nook, please click on the links below:
Geography-Policy-Windy-Nook-Primary-School 2022-23
Key Learning in Geography Y1 and 2 with RRSA articles
Key Learning in Geography Y3 and 4 with RRSA articles
Key Learning in Geography Y5and 6 with RRSA articles
Key Geographical Vocabulary EYFS
Key Geographical Vocabulary KS1