At Windy Nook Primary School, the intent of our history curriculum is to provide children with a coherent knowledge and understanding about people and periods from the past, as well as their local area of Windy Nook.
The implementation will ensure that children are taught to understand and appreciate how the past has influenced their own lives and modern day living. Lessons are planned around Key Periods, People and the Local Area. Our aim is for the children to become more curious and inquisitive about the past and to ask perceptive questions and think critically. We ensure the children are provided with hands on experiences through historical visits and visitors. The children are encouraged to develop lines of enquiry by using historical questioning to discover the changes identified throughout history and their impact on today’s civilisation. Children study various periods of time and these are collated on a whole school timeline.
The impact will be measured at the end of the children’s historical journey at Windy Nook; pupils will have started to develop a chronological knowledge of key historical periods, vocabulary and facts. This is combined with a knowledge of significant individuals who have helped shape society as it is today.
In the Early Years, History is linked to Understanding the World – People and Communities, The World. For further information please refer to the Evidencing Subjects in the Early Years at Windy Nook Primary Document or click on the link for Birth to 5 Matters

To find out more about our History curriculum at Windy Nook, please click on the links below:
History-Policy-Windy-Nook-Primary-School 2022-23
Learning in EYFS What History Subject Leaders Need to Know Nov 22
Key Learning in History KS1 RRSA Nov 22