Marvellous Materials in KS1

Marvellous Materials in KS1

In science this term we are learning about everyday materials and their properties. This week, we have been learning to identify the difference between an object and the material it is made from. We have been exploring different materials and discussing their...
UKS2 Science Investigation

UKS2 Science Investigation

Last week, the children investigated whether exercise increases brain power.  They took part in three activities which included: beep test, own pace and control.  Before and after the tests, the children completed a ‘Stroop Test’ to see if they improved...
Muddy Clothes in KS1

Muddy Clothes in KS1

This half term, we have been learning about personal hygiene in our science lessons. One of the important things we have to do is wear clean clothes but what happens if they get dirty? This week, we took part in a mini investigation. We had to decide which option was...