by Mrs Hope | Feb 14, 2025 | Beeches, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, Events and Visits, IT and Computing, Ladybirds, News, Oaks, Owls, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips
This year, we marked Safer Internet Day (which was on Tuesday 11th February) with special assemblies in our phases and a range of activities in all of our classes. This year’s theme was ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘....
by Mr Newman | Feb 14, 2025 | Beeches, Bees, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, English Corner, Events and Visits, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Robins, School Council, Snowdrops, Tulips
Plans are underway for a fantastic day of literary fun as the school prepares for World Book Day on Thursday 6 March 2025. Children should have come home from school with a letter, detailing all the important events. If you did not receive a letter, please let your...
by Mrs Preece | Feb 6, 2025 | Events and Visits, Health and Well-Being, Nightingales, Outdoor Learning, Owls, Robins
KS1 headed off to Hylton Castle this week to learn more about castles for their topic ‘King of the Castle’. We learned about the armour a knight would wear and had the chance to hold chainmail so we could see how heavy it was. Our tour around the castle...
by Mr Newman | Jan 17, 2025 | Around The World, Beeches, Bees, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, Events and Visits, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Proud to Present, reception, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips
In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...
by K Hill | Jan 9, 2025 | Bluebells, Events and Visits, Outdoor Learning, Snowdrops
Today, Year 3 had a workshop all about road safety. They learnt about the green cross code and talked about some of the dangers when crossing the road. Children learnt the rules they will then put into practise next week when groups will go it into the local area. The...
by K Hill | Dec 11, 2024 | Beeches, Bluebells, Elms, Events and Visits, Health and Well-Being, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Proud to Present, Snowdrops, Tulips
Today, Windy Nook was thrilled to welcome the fantastic Dip and Dab Show to school. Dip and Dab put on a fun and exciting show that was enjoyed by children and teachers alike. Everyone loved participating, joining in with songs, dances and hilarious tasks. Please...
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