Year 5/6 Homework 7.2.25

Year 5/6 Homework 7.2.25

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.56 and 57  – Perimeter Y5 Oaks – English- p.86 and 87 – ‘ei’ and ‘ie’ words 1x arithmetic paper on Reading- 2 x reading plus...
Year 5 at Safetyworks!

Year 5 at Safetyworks!

Last week, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Safetyworks! as part of our PSHE curriculum. We took part in a number of sessions in small groups that taught us how to stay safe in a number of scenarios. These included: what to do in a house fire; how to stay safe...
UKS2 Art

UKS2 Art

In UKS2, we have been learning all about the Maya.  We have researched and designed our own Maya masks, focusing on colour, pattern and shape.  In the coming weeks, we will create masks using the media of cardboard and paint.  Keep a look out for our finished Masks!...
Year 5/6 Homework 7.2.25

Year 5/6 Homework 24.1.25

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.66 and 67  – Angles Y5 Oaks – English- p.14 – Determiners 1x arithmetic paper on Reading- 2 x reading plus texts plus at least 10 minutes reading per...
La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...
Year 5/6 Homework 17.1.25

Year 5/6 Homework 17.1.25

Year 5 and 6 homework this week will be in CGP books. Year 5 Y5 Oaks – Maths- p.26  – Solving Calculation Problems Y5 Oaks – English- p.21 – Coordinating Conjunctions and p.22 – Subordinating Conjunctions 1x arithmetic paper on