by K Hill | Jan 31, 2025 | Around The World, Bluebells, News, Snowdrops, Tulips
This term, in RE, we have been looking at the Bible and how it contains so many different types of writing. Within the 3 classes, we have each taken a different type of writing and completed our own version. We looked at writing rules, songs, prayers and stories....
by Mr Newman | Jan 17, 2025 | Around The World, Beeches, Bees, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, Events and Visits, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Proud to Present, reception, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips
In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...
by K Hill | Jan 9, 2025 | Bluebells, Events and Visits, Outdoor Learning, Snowdrops
Today, Year 3 had a workshop all about road safety. They learnt about the green cross code and talked about some of the dangers when crossing the road. Children learnt the rules they will then put into practise next week when groups will go it into the local area. The...
by K Hill | Dec 19, 2024 | Bluebells, Health and Well-Being, News, Proud to Present, Snowdrops, Tulips
During this week, LKS2 have been making their calendars and their light up Christmas cards. For the calendars, children did a watercolour background with paint dots on top to represent the different seasons. The final paintings were all amazing! For the light up...
by K Hill | Dec 18, 2024 | Bluebells, Health and Well-Being, News, Snowdrops, Tulips
It was time for the Bluebells, Snowdrops and Tulips to have fun at this year’s Christmas party! The children were lucky enough to have DJ Mr Hill who delivered all the top party tunes – old and new! They also got crisps, cake and juice as well as being treated to a...
by Mr Newman | Dec 17, 2024 | Around The World, Beeches, Bluebells, Elms, News, Oaks, Snowdrops, Tulips
Children in Key Stage 2 have been enjoying learning more Spanish this term. As a new addition to our curriculum, at the end of each half term, we play Taco Bingo. This is like normal Bingo except the children’s cards are filled with Spanish vocabulary. The...
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