Vicious Vikings!

Vicious Vikings!

This week, Lower Key Stage 2 have started a new English unit on the Vikings. We began the lesson by retrieving prior knowledge from our history topic where the children engaged in effective class discussion about what we already know about the Vikings. We then focused...
Getting Animated!

Getting Animated!

In Lower Key Stage 2, children have been using the iMotion app in their computing lessons. Each class has learned about how animations are made. They have looked at various examples and then applied their learning to making their own animations. By photographing...
Investigating Teeth in LKS2

Investigating Teeth in LKS2

As part of our learning about teeth and healthy eating, LKS2’s science investigation involved exploring the effects of certain foods on or dental health. We set up an investigation where we would observe, over time, how coffee, vinegar, fizzy pop and water would...


To start our science topic of teeth and eating, Lower Key Stage 2 have been learning lots about the four types of tooth. Everyone got the chance to shape teeth made from play dough. The children moulded incisors, canines, molars and pre-molars. We considered the...
KS2 Christmas Service

KS2 Christmas Service

KS2 were delighted to hold their Christmas Service at St. Alban’s Church on Tuesday 17th December! Readers told the story of the Nativity, musicians played a range of festive songs, Sign Squad did a marvellous job of signing Christmas carols, while our choir...