This week Beeches, Oaks and Elms had a visit from Reverend Danie, to look deeper into the Christmas Story.  The children discussed what they already knew about the story and compared their knowledge to what was written in the gospels.  Reverend Danie spoke to the...
UKS2 Science Investigation

UKS2 Science Investigation

Last week, the children investigated whether exercise increases brain power.  They took part in three activities which included: beep test, own pace and control.  Before and after the tests, the children completed a ‘Stroop Test’ to see if they improved...
Science with Year 6 Beeches

Science with Year 6 Beeches

This week in Science, the children learned all about balanced diets and eating healthy  They predicted the amount of sugar in different drinks and were very shocked by some of the results. The children wrote a healthy meal plan, applying their learning of the food...