A warm welcome to our new friends in nursery. We are very proud of the way in which they have settled into nursery life. We are equally as proud of our ‘original’  children who have showed genuine care and empathy towards their new friends and helped them to follow our routine.

We have focussed on composting this week and increased our knowledge on the topic by sharing the book, Save the Scraps. We have learned that only compostable materials are suitable to add to compost bins and items like balls and plastic raison packets are not compostable. For maths this week, we used tweezers to transfer the corresponding amount of worms (pipe cleaners, wool etc) into numbered mini compost bins. To help strengthen our hands and fingers to enable us to achieve a good pencil grip we carefully tore up some egg boxes. We transferred the cardboard pieces into three different containers, small, medium and large. We then mixed the cardboard into our compost buckets to empty into our compost bin. We completed a game on the interactive white board by PurpleMash which involved sorting compostable materials from ‘other’ materials.

We also made our own playdough, participated in Squiggle While You Wiggle and of course continued to compost all of our snack waste.

Article 1: Everyone, under 18, has the rights of the UN Convention.

Article 2: All children have rights. No child should be treated unfairly.

Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.

Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.