On Monday and Tuesday, our children who will be starting reception in September spent some time in their new classes. Miss Calam and Miss Byrne were extremely impressed at how well mannered and happy the children were. The nursery staff are very proud of them! The children who will return to nursery in September had a great time using bikes and scooters, using the tyre park and repotting some tomato seedlings. We participated in some Dough Disco sessions this week to help strengthen our hands and wrists.  We completed a transport sorting game on the interactive white board. During our Friday outdoor session we made vehicles with the large construction equipment, dug in our digging area, played in the mud kitchen and tidied our outdoor area. We also found some interesting insects for our Book of Wonder.

Article 1: Everyone, under 18, has the rights of the UN Convention.

Article 2: All children have rights. No child should be treated unfairly.

Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.