This week, both the Dragonflies and Ladybirds learned all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated.

The children made their own large dragon head after watching lots of traditional Chinese festivals, the children painted, stuck and decorated the dragon. Whilst watching the festivals we noticed the instrument most commonly used was a drum, so we practised drumming to a beat going from slow to fast, making up little rhymes and taking turns to be the conductor being in control of the volume, playing quietly to very loud.

On Friday, we used our dragon to create a dragon dance, we looked at different ways to move and used pom-poms to create the rest of the body. The children were able to follow the leader and copy the movements as well as using our drumming skills to create a super impressive dragon dance.

The children also made their own dragons by folding paper, attaching the head and tail and adding sticks allowing them to move the dragons in the same way as they seen in the parades.

Take a look at this link to find out more about Chinese New Year:

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