In nursery this week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year and celebrating it. We thoroughly enjoyed preparing and cooking Chinese stir fry. We demonstrating excellent counting skills by counting the amount of children in our group and giving out the correct amount of chopping boards, knives and chopsticks. We showed determination while cutting various vegetables as the carrot in particular was very tricky to slice. Most of us thought that the stir fry tasted delicious and some of us had a second helping! We played a Chinese New Year themed matching pairs game on the interactive white board and a jigsaw game using our mouse skills on our second computer. We looked at some Chinese writing and symbols and attempted to produce some of our own. We wrote good luck and good fortune messages as well as writing numbers. We watched lion and dragon dancing on our white board and some of us made dragon heads with junk materials. During our Friday outdoor session we did some much needed maintenance and tidying in our nursery garden after the stormy weather we all experienced last week. We also had a great time having fun in our mud kitchen.
Article 1: Everyone, under 18, has the rights of the UN Convention.
Article 2: All children have rights. No child should be treated unfairly.
Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.
We have had a fantastic week
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