Nightingales (Y2)
Miss ThompsonWelcome to Nightingales
Our teacher is Miss Thompson, who is accompanied by Mrs Welsh.
In Year 2 we work hard, always do our best and have fun!
We like to look out for each other and work as a team.
Must Reads KS1 master copy
Important information:
Our PE day is Tuesday – children come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.
Homework – KS1 – Owls, Robins and Nightingales
Spellings are given out on Monday and expected to be practised regularly during the week. Spelling test is on Friday morning.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Online Homework and Information
Windy Winners!
This week our children had the opportunity to display their knowledge of science (Top Scientist) and our additional award this week was for Top Attitude. We also need to make a special mention for our Year 6 children who completed their SATs; needless to say they all...
On the hunt!
The children in KS1 have been learning about animal habitats this half term and as part of this, we went on a minibeast hunt around the school grounds. We used a checklist and recorded the minibeasts that we saw. We also looked at the location of the minibeasts. Was...
Green Fingers! Our first week of Gardening club
Monday night was our first week of Gardening club and the KS1 children had so much fun! We worked together to prepare the soil, before planting and watering a variety of plants around the Chicken Coop - a memorial dedicated to Mrs Greaves. We would also like to thanks...
Making Music in Computing
Today Nightingales have been learning how to create music using a Purple Mash programme. They explored different ways to make music using a variety of instruments. They learned to speed up and slow down the sounds and created fantastic tunes. It sounded like an...
Creating Torah Scrolls in KS1
In KS1 the children have been learning about why the Torah is so special to Jewish people. After looking at a Torah scroll they created their own scrolls and added their own special message. Article 12: you have the right to an opinion and to be listened to. Article...
Windy Winners!
This week we were looking for Top Mathematicians and it's always a difficult choice. Our other certificate was for a Top Effort. In addition to these two awards our value of the month was for Honesty. So, it's a huge well done to all of our winners! Class Top Effort ...
Support for Parents ASD
There are a number of support groups within the Autism Support Hub. Parents and Carers of children who may be in the process of assessment are also welcome.
Parent Workshops KS1
During the last week of term we will be inviting parents into the classroom to take part in a craft session alongside their child. The children will be creating a diorama depicting life under the ocean. As space will be tight can we ask that just one adult attends the...
Windy Winners!
Congratulations to all of our winners this week. Our two awards this week were for a Top Reflector and a Top Attitude. Class Top Attitude Top Reflector Dragonflies Gia Jaxon Ladybirds Max Finn Robins Savannah Bo Owls Mikey Isla Nightingales ...
Easter Egg Winners!
It's a huge well done to all of our Easter Egg Winners this year. We'd also like to say a huge thanks as well to everyone who entered. Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can....
March Walk to School Badges
This month children across the school continued to make active trips to earn their March walk to school badge. As a school, we recorded 4187 active trips and 206 children were awarded their badge. Article 24: You have the right to the best quality...
Easter Egg Competition 2022
We have had some fantastic entries into this years competition. We have loved seeing all the amazing designs. A huge thank you to all the families who have taken part. Winners will be announced later this week. Article 28: You have the right to a good quality...