IT and Computing
Remembrance and Poppies in Nursery
This week in nursery we have focussed on Remembrance Day. We discussed why we wear poppy badges in the week leading up to Remembrance Day and we created poppies in many different ways. We painted, drew, used the interactive white board, made collages and used some...
Halloween Activities in Nursery
Our activities this week have linked to Halloween. On Monday, we made black playdough and added silver sparkles. We created some wonderful Halloween themed items like; spiders, slugs, worms, bats and creatures with multiple eyes! We have worked on strengthening our...
I can do it!
This week we have read the story of Elmer. We discussed diversity and having similarities and differences by linking the premise of the story and the fact that we are all different. We participated in Elmer themed activities by creating Elmer/elephant pictures, using...
Cauliflower Cards and much more!
This week in nursery we created a Christmas card by making a hand print Santa Clause. Our beautiful artwork will be sent to a company called Cauliflower Cards who will produce our cards which will be available to buy in the near future. We have made our own play dough...
Computing KS1
The children have been learning the importance of following instructions. In pairs they took turns to be the robot or the programmer. They used left, right, forwards, backwards with the number of steps to help their 'robot' to find their way around. Now they have been...
Kind Hands in Nursery
We have continued to focus on following our nursery routine and getting to know each other this week. We read the story, Picasso's Trousers and talked about how we are all artists like Picasso. We have now all completed self portrait paintings which look fantastic...
New Beginnings in Nursery
A warm welcome to our new friends in nursery and also our children who attended nursery last term. Our existing children have welcomed their new friends with kindness and some friendships are already beginning to form. We are focussing on following the nursery routine...
Databases in UKS2
This term UKS2 are looking at how to use databases. To introduce the topic, this week the children made some paper based databases. They started by coming up with different animals in pairs and thought about how they could group them. They started by sorting...
Games, art, 90s and much more!
This week in nursery we have continued to focus on beaches and Summer. We read the story, Bluey, The Beach and discussed words like; scuttle and pipi. We used the internet to find out what they mean and we watched a video of a crab scuttling and then we pretended to...
Beach treasure!
Following on from our story called Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab, we have focused on beaches this week as Tiny Crab lived at the beach in the story. We looked at and discussed a variety of items that were found on the beach like; seaweed, crabs, starfish, drift wood,...
Final Forecasts in Year 5!
In Spring term, Year 5 children learnt and presented a weather forecast for France in front of a green screen with Kevin Owens, Creative Director of Your Film. He worked his magic behind the scenes and the final forecasts look outstanding! We are thrilled with how...
Coding on Logo in Y3/4
This week, Year 3 and 4 have been using a program called Logo. We were set the challenge to see if we could write a code to direct the turtle to form the first initial of our names. It was tricky as we had to consider how many degrees to rotate the turtle and in which...