Nightingales (Y2)
Miss ThompsonWelcome to Nightingales
Our teacher is Miss Thompson, who is accompanied by Mrs Welsh.
In Year 2 we work hard, always do our best and have fun!
We like to look out for each other and work as a team.
Must Reads KS1 master copy
Important information:
Our PE day is Tuesday – children come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.
Homework – KS1 – Owls, Robins and Nightingales
Spellings are given out on Monday and expected to be practised regularly during the week. Spelling test is on Friday morning.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Online Homework and Information
Gateshead School Sports Awards
Last week, some of our children were lucky enough to attend the Gateshead School Sports Awards at The Fed. We had 2 individual award winners- Riley for Young Primary Achiever of the year and Emilia McDonald who was highly commended for Primary Young Sport Leader. Our...
Magical Maths in Nightingales
This week, Nightingales and Bees have been practising their addition skills by playing different maths games. We have had to use our understanding of place value as well as our addition, applying our problem solving and strategic thinking to try to score points...
Year 2 Homework 28.6.24
English Homework - conjunction sheet Remember to practise reading. Maths Homework – Symmetry sheet TT Rockstars- in their Maths homework book. Homework needs to be in by Wednesday 3.7.24 Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and...
Windy Winners!
A huge well do to all of our winners this week. Top Sportsperson and our monthly value: Top Friendship. Windy Winners 27.6.24 Class Value - Friendship Top Sportsperson Dragonflies Haroon Thomas Ladybirds Millie Layla Robins Liliana Louie Owls Enya George...
Olympics Day!
On Wednesday, we held an Olympics Day to celebrate the upcoming summer games. As part of this, children all came dressed in the colours of an Olympic country and made flags and banners in class for our final parade. They also took part in a number of physical...
Sports Day 2024!
On Monday, we were lucky enough to have our sports day. 3 representatives from the GSSP came into set up and run the day with a range of exciting activities. In the morning, KS1 began to earn points for their house teams with the Rubies gaining the most in the morning...
Year 2 Homework 7.6.24
English Homework - Page 40 Remember to practise reading. Maths Homework – Page 38 TT Rockstars- in their Maths homework book. Homework needs to be in by Wednesday 12th June Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It...
Plant Hunters in KS1
This afternoon, the weather was finally dry enough for Robins, Owls and Nightingales to get out into our amazing school grounds and explore. We were looking for some of the many different types of plants in our school grounds to complete this term's science topic. We...
Money, Money, Money in Year 2
This week, Bees and Nightingales classes have been learning all about money in maths. We have been recapping recognising coins, counting money and making amounts of money. We have really enjoyed working practically and having the opportunity to explore different ways...
Liz Million visits Windy Nook!
Yesterday, Liz Million came to Windy Nook for the day to share her amazing knowledge on illustrating. She worked with the whole school in workshops across the day. Liz began to share her story to the children about how she is from Darlington, went to university in...
Year 2 Homework 17.5.24
English Homework -p17 Remember to practise reading. Spellings can be practised by logging in to Spelling Shed. Maths Homework – p29 TT Rockstars- login in their Maths homework book. Homework needs to be in by Wednesday 22nd May.
Dissecting Plants in KS1
This half term, KS1 have been learning about plants. Last week, we examined a small flowering plant and observed it when magnified. We were able to share our ideas about each plant part, label them and discuss the function. Article 13: You have the right to find out...