Nightingales (Y2)
Miss ThompsonWelcome to Nightingales
Our teacher is Miss Thompson, who is accompanied by Mrs Welsh.
In Year 2 we work hard, always do our best and have fun!
We like to look out for each other and work as a team.
Must Reads KS1 master copy
Important information:
Our PE day is Tuesday – children come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.
Homework – KS1 – Owls, Robins and Nightingales
Spellings are given out on Monday and expected to be practised regularly during the week. Spelling test is on Friday morning.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Online Homework and Information
Pretty as a Picture in KS1!
This week in KS1 for Computing the children have been learning how to capture a photo using an ipad. We have focused on taking photographs of each other, close up and distant objects, action shots and even selfies! Look at our results! Article 13: You have the...
KS1 learn to ‘attack and defend’ in PE.
This half term KS1 have been honing their 'attacking and defending' skills in PE, capturing loot and other kinds of treasure whilst evading the protectors of the treasure. Children had to dodge, duck and dance past the defenders to secure some valuable treasure for...
Muddy Clothes in KS1
This half term, we have been learning about personal hygiene in our science lessons. One of the important things we have to do is wear clean clothes but what happens if they get dirty? This week, we took part in a mini investigation. We had to decide which option was...
Nightingales Travel Back in Time!
Last week, we visited Beamish to learn about toys from the past and how they have changed over time. We were given a very special mission - to test toys for the new toy shop in the 1950's village. We had great fun playing with the toys and discussing which were our...
Gateshead Music Service ‘Jammin’ at Windy Nook
This morning, we were extremely fortunate to have The Gateshead Music Service visit Windy Nook. They played for all the children across two assemblies and got us up on our feet dancing and singing along to some well known classics. Some of the children had the chance...
Food Bank Donations – Thank you
Today, the Trussell Trust Gateshead Foodbank came to collect the kind donations from the school community. The food will be packaged and given out next week, helping to feed some of the 10,000 people who use the service in Gateshead each year. School Councillors met...
A new break and lunch time!
Over the last couple of weeks, there has been a new approach to break and lunch times for KS1 and EYFS, the children have the opportunity to mix together in both the KS1 and Early Years yard. The children have access to many areas in this time; the mud kitchen, water,...
Lego Club at Windy Nook!
We have been busy in Lego Club during Golden Time. We have been building some fantastic structures! Just take a look! Article 31: You have the right to play and rest.
Walking Water Investigation
During our first week back after the holidays the children have been set a couple of whole school science challenges. All children this week have thought about what science is to them and have either drawn pictures, written captions or short sentences to describe what...
Welcome to the Nightingales!
We’ve had a great week welcoming both familiar and new faces to Nightingales. Everyone has settled in quickly and we are so proud of each and every one of them. We've had a busy first week reminding ourselves of the routines and working hard in all of our subjects. We...
Hello Summer Happiness
A summer holiday workbook created to help empower you to manage your own happiness by developing your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence means understanding your feelings and knowing how to handle them in a good way. It's like being a feelings detective...
Water Safety Day
Please click on the link below for further information or should you require a paper version then please just ask at reception: water safety day