Valentine’s Day and much more!

This week in nursery we have continued to focus on numbers. We completed some fabulous writing to describe what we found during our number hunt last week and we made a display in our classroom. We also discussed Valentines Day and thought about the people that we...

Safer Internet Day 2025

This year, we marked Safer Internet Day (which was on Tuesday 11th February) with special assemblies in our phases and a range of activities in all of our classes. This year's theme was ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘. Children...

Taco Bingo!

This week, LKS2 have been playing bingo in Spanish! The children have been learning a range of phrases - linked to fruit - and have had to look out for them on their bingo card. This was a muy bien way to round off another super Spanish topic! Hasta La Huego! Article...

Windy Nook Prepares for World Book Day

Plans are underway for a fantastic day of literary fun as the school prepares for World Book Day on Thursday 6 March 2025. Children should have come home from school with a letter, detailing all the important events. If you did not receive a letter, please let your...

Learning About Grace Nichols in Elms

Over the past couple of weeks, Elms have been studying the poet Grace Nichols. We have read, performed and analysed some of her brilliant poems and learnt about the poet herself. We researched her life and worked together in groups to create the fantastic...

School open as normal – Tuesday 11th February

School will be open as normal tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused from today's disruption. Thanks The Windy Nook team

School closed today – Monday 10th February

We regret to inform you that school will have to close today, due to no heating and hot water. We are working hard to resolve the issue as soon as possible but children will not be able to attend school today. We will of course keep you informed of the situation when...

Vicious Vikings!

This week, Lower Key Stage 2 have started a new English unit on the Vikings. We began the lesson by retrieving prior knowledge from our history topic where the children engaged in effective class discussion about what we already know about the Vikings. We then focused...


Welcome to Windy Nook

school entranceThe principle purpose of Windy Nook Primary School is to provide high quality education to enable pupils to achieve success. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents/carers and pupils and we hope that you find what you are looking for.

We hope that our website reflects our endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual consideration and respect regardless of age, gender, race, religious beliefs, disability, social or home background and family circumstances. It is a celebration of all of the fabulous work and activities that our children participate in. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Thank you and enjoy your visit.

Lucie Forrest – Head Teacher

Attendance Last Week

  • Whole School Attendance 95.8% 95.8%
  • Whole School Attendance without Nursery 95.9% 95.9%

  • Dragonflies (Rec.) 93.8% 93.8%
  • Ladybirds (Rec.) 99.2% 99.2%
  • Robins (Year 1/2) 94.4% 94.4%
  • Owls (Year 1/2) 98.1% 98.1%
  • Nightingales (Year 2) 99.3% 99.3%
  • Bluebells (Year 3) 95.2% 95.2%
  • Snowdrops (Year 3/4) 95.2% 95.2%
  • Tulips (Year 4) 89.4% 89.4%
  • Elms (Year 5) 93.5% 93.5%
  • Oaks (Year 5/6) 99.4% 99.4%
  • Beeches (Year 6) 97.4% 97.4%

School News

April Newsletter 2014

Here's a copy of our latest newsletter in case yours didn't make it home.  April 14   Also, a letter for all visitors to our premises. Parent letter April 2014 And sunscreen permission slip -just waiting for the sun now!  suncream info and permission 2014

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Change of Plan…

Due to the wet weather this morning (and more in the forecast) we have re-organised this morning's Easter Service for KS2 children and their parents to take place at school at 9.15 a.m. today. Apologies if this causes any inconvenience but the likelihood of the...

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Easter Egg Competition 2014

It's that time of year again when we look forward to all those decorated eggs coming into school. Can't wait to see them. You have until Wednesday to bring your egg into school for this years competition. Don't forget adults there's a section for you too so why...

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March Newsletter 2014

The March newsletter should be with you today, along with the results of the parental questionnaire put out before half term. Please click here if you didn't receive them by "pupil post".  Mar14       Parental_questionnaire_Results 2014

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When should I report to CEOP?

CEOP helps children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP below.

Other people who can help

For advice and to seek help on a range of issues, from hacking to cyberbullying, click here.

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