Vicious Vikings!

This week, Lower Key Stage 2 have started a new English unit on the Vikings. We began the lesson by retrieving prior knowledge from our history topic where the children engaged in effective class discussion about what we already know about the Vikings. We then focused...

We’re going on a number hunt!

This week we have focussed on numbers. During our maths sessions we participated in small number hunts in our nursery environment both indoors and outdoors. We also talked about the numbers on the doors of our homes and car registration plates. We played number games...

Year 5 at Safetyworks!

Last week, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Safetyworks! as part of our PSHE curriculum. We took part in a number of sessions in small groups that taught us how to stay safe in a number of scenarios. These included: what to do in a house fire; how to stay safe...

Happy Chinese New Year!

In nursery this week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year and celebrating it. We thoroughly enjoyed preparing and cooking Chinese stir fry. We demonstrating excellent counting skills by counting the amount of children in our group and giving out the correct...

LKS2’s Special Book

This term, in RE, we have been looking at the Bible and how it contains so many different types of writing. Within the 3 classes, we have each taken a different type of writing and completed our own version. We looked at writing rules, songs, prayers and stories....

Celebrating Chinese New Year!

This week, both the Dragonflies and Ladybirds learned all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. The children made their own large dragon head after watching lots of traditional Chinese festivals, the children painted, stuck and decorated the dragon. Whilst...

UKS2 Art

In UKS2, we have been learning all about the Maya.  We have researched and designed our own Maya masks, focusing on colour, pattern and shape.  In the coming weeks, we will create masks using the media of cardboard and paint.  Keep a look out for our finished Masks!...

Getting Animated!

In Lower Key Stage 2, children have been using the iMotion app in their computing lessons. Each class has learned about how animations are made. They have looked at various examples and then applied their learning to making their own animations. By photographing...


Welcome to Windy Nook

school entranceThe principle purpose of Windy Nook Primary School is to provide high quality education to enable pupils to achieve success. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents/carers and pupils and we hope that you find what you are looking for.

We hope that our website reflects our endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual consideration and respect regardless of age, gender, race, religious beliefs, disability, social or home background and family circumstances. It is a celebration of all of the fabulous work and activities that our children participate in. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Thank you and enjoy your visit.

Lucie Forrest – Head Teacher

Attendance Last Week

  • Whole School Attendance 94.4% 94.4%
  • Whole School Attendance without Nursery 94.3% 94.3%

  • Dragonflies (Rec.) 91.7% 91.7%
  • Ladybirds (Rec.) 96.7% 96.7%
  • Robins (Year 1/2) 94.8% 94.8%
  • Owls (Year 1/2) 94.6% 94.6%
  • Nightingales (Year 2) 97.9% 97.9%
  • Bluebells (Year 3) 93.1% 93.1%
  • Snowdrops (Year 3/4) 93.1% 93.1%
  • Tulips (Year 4) 99.4% 99.4%
  • Elms (Year 5) 94.5% 94.5%
  • Oaks (Year 5/6) 96.1% 96.1%
  • Beeches (Year 6) 85.5% 85.5%

School News

Maths in KS1

Maths in KS1

This week in KS1 we have Maths magicians. Owls and Robins have been looking at addition and subtraction, creating our own number stories and reinforcing number bonds to 10. Nightingales have been multiplying by 10! Why not ask us a tricky question at home and let us...

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UKS2 Art

UKS2 Art

In UKS2, we have been learning all about the Maya.  We have researched and designed our own Maya masks, focusing on colour, pattern and shape.  In the coming weeks, we will create masks using the media of cardboard and paint.  Keep a look out for our finished Masks!...

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When should I report to CEOP?

CEOP helps children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP below.

Other people who can help

For advice and to seek help on a range of issues, from hacking to cyberbullying, click here.

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