UKS2 Art

UKS2 Art

In UKS2, we have been learning all about the Maya.  We have researched and designed our own Maya masks, focusing on colour, pattern and shape.  In the coming weeks, we will create masks using the media of cardboard and paint.  Keep a look out for our finished Masks!...
Getting Animated!

Getting Animated!

In Lower Key Stage 2, children have been using the iMotion app in their computing lessons. Each class has learned about how animations are made. They have looked at various examples and then applied their learning to making their own animations. By photographing...
Exploring freezing and melting!

Exploring freezing and melting!

We have been learning all about water and how, and why it freezes. We discussed and set up an experiment to see if we could freeze water, the children suggested different places to leave the water overnight to see which place would be best for freezing. Most children...
Investigating Teeth in LKS2

Investigating Teeth in LKS2

As part of our learning about teeth and healthy eating, LKS2’s science investigation involved exploring the effects of certain foods on or dental health. We set up an investigation where we would observe, over time, how coffee, vinegar, fizzy pop and water would...
La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

La Tamborrada – Festival of Drums

In the 1800s, the city of San Sebastían (in Northern Spain) was under the occupation of ever-changing foreign armies. The people lacked freedom and, annoyed at the soldiers who marched with their drums every day outside the city walls, decided to fight back. To mock...