by Mr. Hawdon | Nov 12, 2021 | Beeches, Bluebells, Dragonflies, Elms, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips, Willows
This week our children have had the opportunity to ‘show-off’ their sporting abilities. The Top Sportsperson awards have been well-earned and added to that we have the Top Effort award running alongside it. Well done once again everyone. Windy Winners...
by Miss Calam | Nov 11, 2021 | Dragonflies, Outdoor Learning
Today we started talking about hibernation and what that means. We looked at the different animals that hibernate and talked about why, when and where they hibernate. We went onto the top field and found natural materials that we could use to build a hedgehog home and...
by Mrs Preece | Nov 11, 2021 | Beeches, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, Health and Well-Being, Ladybirds, Letters to Parents, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips, Willows
The guidance we have been given at school is that we should not have parents and carers in school at the moment. We would usually be holding reviews for our children with additional needs in the next few weeks. In school I have regular conversations with teaching...
by Mr. Hawdon | Nov 5, 2021 | Beeches, Bees, Bluebells, Dragonflies, Elms, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Proud to Present, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips, Willows
This week the focus has been on ‘Top Handwriters’ and at Windy Nook we believe that handwriting and presentation are very important; equally as important is to have a ‘Top Attitude’ to learning. Windy Winners 4.11.21 Class Top Attitude Top...
by R Byrne | Nov 5, 2021 | Dragonflies, Ladybirds, News, Outdoor Learning
Diwali 2021 This children have been learning about the festival of Diwali. We created Diva lamps and designed Mehndi patterns on hands. You can learn all about the festival of Diwali by clicking this link!
by Mr. Hawdon | Oct 24, 2021 | Beeches, Bluebells, Dragonflies, Elms, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Proud to Present, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips, Willows
Our last Windy Winners certificate for this half term were awarded for Top Reader and Top Effort! So, it’s a huge well done to everyone. We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe half term holidays and we look forward to seeing you...
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