by Mrs Pedersen-Wylie | Jul 9, 2023 | Dragonflies, Health and Well-Being, Ladybirds, News, Outdoor Learning, science, Sport
Reception children spent a lot of time using our fantastic school grounds last week. We enjoyed parachute games, an afternoon on the top field, pond dipping and used our outdoor classroom for snack time. We ended the week with off with a well deserved ice lolly....
by Mrs Pedersen-Wylie | Jan 29, 2023 | Around The World, Butterflies and Caterpillars, English Corner, IT and Computing, Mathemagicians, News
This week we have been reading the story Q Pootle 5. The children have had a great time building their own rockets with rocket boosters using 2d and 3d shapes, painting rockets, and designing rockets using Purple Mash. We have also looked at the planets in our Solar...
by Mrs Pedersen-Wylie | Apr 5, 2022 | After School Activities, Beeches, Bluebells, Butterflies and Caterpillars, Dragonflies, Elms, Events and Visits, Ladybirds, News, Nightingales, Oaks, Owls, Proud to Present, Robins, Snowdrops, Tulips, Willows
We have had some fantastic entries into this years competition. We have loved seeing all the amazing designs. A huge thank you to all the families who have taken part. Winners will be announced later this week. Article 28: You have the right to a good quality...
by Mrs Pedersen-Wylie | Mar 4, 2022 | Dragonflies, English Corner, Ladybirds, News, Proud to Present
This week we have been reading the book Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. We have also been learning all about Shrove Tuesday and Lent. We had a fantastic Pancake day making, choosing a delicious topping and then eating pancakes. We also had fun learning lots of pancake songs...
by Mrs Pedersen-Wylie | Dec 3, 2021 | Dragonflies, English Corner, News
Dragonflies enjoy some quiet time in our school library. They love sharing stories with their friends and choosing a book to take home. Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other...
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