Anti Bullying and NSPCC Workshops

Anti Bullying and NSPCC Workshops

Last week, children across the school celebrated anti-bullying week by completing a number of activities to ‘make a noise’ about bullying. KS2 children also took part in Speak Out Stay Safe workshops delivered by volunteers from the NSPCC to learn about...
Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

This week, children have been learning all about the dangers of the road and how to stay safe as pedestrians/cyclists. We had some workshops on Road Safety delivered by Tyne and Wear Safety, assemblies with Living Streets to learn about the importance of walking to...
Support for Families in Gateshead

Support for Families in Gateshead

Please click on the links below for some information regarding supporting families within the Gateshead area. Should you require a paper version then please just ask at reception. Early help leaflet offer Early help offer Gateshead family hubs offer Henry information...