Year 5 trip to Beamish!

Year 5 trip to Beamish!

Yesterday, all of year 5 went along to Beamish to present their cranes for the ‘Crank it Up’ challenge. The children had to explain how they made their crane and test it with a panel of engineering judges. They also had the opportunity to take part in a...
Clever Coding

Clever Coding

This term, Years 3 and 4 have been learning a lot about coding. They have used the Scratch program to develop a wide range of skills. This week, we have been editing codes and making repetition code for games. The children used various functions to make sound effects,...
June 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 Newsletter

Please click on the document below for a copy of June’s newsletter. Should you require a paper version then please ask at reception. jun 24newsletter Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing...